Chapter 27: Cj's 1st birthday// Gender revel

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It's been a month since I met lacy and I can tell Chris is still bothered by what she said and is unsure of how everything is gonna turn out today for cj's birthday party and the gender revel

Chris- babe are you dressed?

Kelis-in my pjs yea?

Chris- no baby I ment in clothes I wanna take you and CJ to breakfast we gonna meet my mom ,dad ,lacy & chad there

Kelis- can I invite Kyle ?

Chris- of course babe I'll get CJ ready

I nod and text Kyle and ask if he would like to join us then I go get dressed about 20 minutes later I'm dressed and we leave pulling up to my favorite little diner down the street

Kelis- omg I love this place!

Chris- I know baby

I just smile and get out the car then I get CJ out he runs to me and touches my belly then kisses my belly

Kelis- they babies said hi

CJ- hi babies !

Chris- come on guys

We walk in and find his family and Kyle sitting at a booth

Kyle- hey guys

Chris- hey man

Kelis- hey

CJ-uncle ky!!

Kyle- hey little man happy birthday pop how old are you now?

CJ- I one year old

I smile big and held up one of his tiny fingers

Kelis- good morning mr Anderson,good morning chad ,good morning hase . Lacy.

Mr.Anderson - child when will it stick to you to call me  dad or Jon

Kelis- I'm not sure

I say giggling we sit down and ordered our drinks and food

Chad- so kelis you enjoy being pregnant with twins

Kelis- it's definitely different from being pregnant with cj but I enjoy being pregnant I've always wanted a big family

Chad- that's good so I should be expecting more nephews and or nieces

Chris- in the future yea brother what about you when ima get a nephew or niece from you

Chad- when the right one comes along

We all laugh till lacy speaks up

Lacy- so kelis. Do you have issues our family should know about while pregnant

Kelis- do I have issues? Yes I do. Are they everyone's concern absolutely not Chris and I have everything under control

Lacy- so it's not a chance you could relapse?

Kelis- there is always that chance but I look at my son and my husband and I think about what would happen if I was to relapse I would lose everything

I rolled my eyes whisking the food would hurry up then his bitch pulled out my dam medical chart

Kelis- what the fuck

Chad- lacy how the hell

Chris- this is bullshit lacy

Hase- lacy this is unacceptable

Jon- it's your nephews birthday lacy

Lacy- so what. Y'all all buddy buddy with this bitch and she out here popping out babies like it's Tylenol!

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