C5. "Your safe with me you always will be "

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-kelis dream-

Faster go faster ! Right there oh fuck!!!
Don't cum you better not fucking cum I'll punish you if you do do you understand me ?
Yes what!!?
Yes master !
My pretty slut. You wanna cum?
Yes master please!
Pretty please master please I'm begging you
Did you enjoy yourself
Yes daddy
That's good I'll unchain you so you can rest
Okay daddy
*chains being removed*
I'll be back with your pajamas
*man starts walking out*
I-I love you Chris

I wake up drenched in sweat
"holy fuck that was intense did I really just have a wet dream about him "
I look over at my clock and it reads 3am
"I need to go for a run "
I get up and take a quick shower change my clothes and leave my house. As I'm running I feel as if I'm not alone I look around and I see that I am but the feeling never leaves me I keep running around the block and as I'm nearing my house again something pushes me to run faster and that's what I do and right when I get to my door 3 cars pull up and Trey and his friends all rush to my door. Once I get inside I slam and lock the door and run to my room. I hear my front door being broken open and before I could grab my phone I'm getting choked "you thought you could run from me? You thought your boss was going to protect you? Huh "
With every word he squeezed tighter I started seeing black spots then he lets go . "I'm not going to kill you. That's going to be too easy. I'm just going to break you like I did b4 . "
His friends walk in and hold me up while he rips my clothes off "please don't do this "
"shut tfk up! You belong to me I will do whatever I want with you! "
His friends tie me to my bed and walk out Trey locks the door and walks back over to me and starts positioning his self in between my legs.
"don't fight it it'll only get worse"
I kick him hard with my legs and he hits me and keeps hitting me till I can't scream anymore last thing I remember is him un zipping his pants then I black out.

-2 pm Chris POV-

As I walk into work ms.green seems to have a look of uncertainty on her face . Considering I'm never this late but I had a few family issues to deal with. I think nothing of up till I get to my office. Why do I feel particularly weird today that's when I notice I didn't hear the voice of kelis at her desk when I waked by. I called her phone a few times and no one answered so I called Ms.green " ms.green "yes sir? "have you heard from ms.wilson? Has she told you she won't be coming in today ?" no sir I've been calling since 6am I've even emailed her . " hold all my calls for the day I'm going to stop by her house and figure out what's going on. "yes sir"
I walk out the office and get in my car I turn it on and it roars to life. I peel out of my parking spot and speed over to kelis house . When I get there her door is slightly cracked so I go in .
"kelis!? It's Chris"
No response ....
I make my way upstairs and check every door when I come to the last door and when I open it the site is unbearable.
"fuck kelis what the hell happen!"
I unchain her and wrap her in a sheet
"kelis can you hear me? "mmm Chris "it's okay I'm here I'm going to pick you up okay? "
She just simply nodded I picked her up and she whimpered I carried her to my car and drove to my hospital soon as I pulled up nurses came running out "sir? Do you know what happen?" " no I don't , she's one of my employees at headquarters and she didn't show I went to her house and found her like this. " " well run some test sir "
They put her on a gurney and took her inside

-3 hours later-

"sir she's waking up "
I walk into the room just as she opens her eyes
"CHRIS! " " calm down kelis your going to bust your stitches  please just lay back " I'm sorry Chris how did I get here how did you find me?
"you didn't show up to work and you didn't call anyone saying you weren't coming that don't seem like you I don't think you wouldn't show up especially with out saying something. I came to your house and found you...all beat up
She started to cry
"calm down please try to tell me what happen.
"I went for a run an while I was running it felt like someone was following me so I ran back home and Tray and his friend showed up and followed me in the house I was able to close and lock the door and run upstairs but before I can get to my phone Tray broke in and choked me his friends grab me Strip me naked and tied me to my bed. He then tried to rape me but I kicked him then I remember getting hit in the face and the last thing I remember was him unzipping his pants. "
I felt my blood boiling why would any one want to hurt her the fuck is wrong with him .
"I'm sorry this is happening to you I'll make it right " he's trying to break me like he did before I left . " Don't let him your strong and I'll make sure you know it every day . "

Knock knock

The doctor walks in

" hello kelis I'm Brian so we've ran some test and your clean if any diseases and a pregnancy test was negative. You do have some broken ribs that we fixed but you will be in pain for a while you also won't be able to go to work for a month at the least. Sir if need be she would need more time off from work ."thank you "

He walks out

"your moving in with me your not safe at your house . I'll have some one get your things from your house and take them to mines. I promise I'll keep you safe okay. "okay. Thank you "
I just smiled. What is going on with me . Why do I feel like this. I haven't felt this way since .....omg am I falling in love with her ?

omg am I falling in love with her ?

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Chris's car 😍//edited🤟🏾

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