Chaoter 25: the anderson ball

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Today was full of running around and decorating for the ball tonight kelis & Amy are out buying dresses and getting their hair n nails done while I make sure everything is together at the office

Sandra- mr.Anderson I didn't know you was coming in today. How is mrs.Anderson

Chris- yes I just stopped by to make sure everything was up to par and she's doing fine We are expecting another baby soon so Ill be stopping by when ever I can

Sandra- omg yay congratulations! I'm happy for you guys. Do you need me to do anything before tonight?

Chris-no just lock up and show up w your family see you tonight.

I walk out and finish running errands


"Lights are flashing ,limos lining the street it was obvious it was the annual Anderson ball . Here at fox 11 we have joined the Anderson corporation at the ball as well as other celebrities " here comes the Anderson corporation employee and families "

Kelis pov-

We pulled up to the red carpet and I honestly felt overwhelmed but I pushed it aside and took Chris hand .

"Mrs Anderson!! Over here ! Is it true that you was once a drug addict "

Wow just off the back huh

Kelis- yes over 6 years ago I was addicted to drugs an alcohol

"Mrs Anderson right here!" How did you over come your addiction?

Kelis- it wasn't easy honestly I was in a rehab center for 1 year after that I vowed to get my life together and be an example for me kids when I had them

"Mrs Anderson?! Do you have an incoming projects ? "

Kelis- I have a few but the one I'm willing to share with you is the bdsm club that I'm planning to open I'll give out more details later on

We keep walking till we make it inside the building and grab some drinks

Chris- how do you feel

Kelis- fine baby I'm excited

Chris- that's good I can't wait to get you home you look stunning tonight and it's getting hard to control myself

Kelis- well the speaking doesn't start for another hour...I'm sure there's an empty room you know about in this place 😉

And of course like high schoolers we sneak off to a room to get it in.

-30 mins later-

I'm not sure if you can consider that a Quicky but it was most definitely needed I feel way better

Amya- I've been looking for you two . Come on the speeches are about to start

Me and Chris look at each other and smile it feels good to be getting back to normal we make our way to the stage and Chris takes the stand

Chris- good evening everyone thank you all for coming out and supporting us as you all know I took on a few new clients . Amya Walsh an up and coming fashion designer my wife is featuring one of her dresses . Mark walsh a good friend of mines he is opening a group home for troubled people no matter the age as well as a rehab center that will give those who come the proper help they need and last but not least my amazing wife kelis Anderson she is going to take bdsm and link to a whole new level with opening a bdsm club for all to attend as well as a kink school for the people who are into it but aren't sure how to approach the concept for any information on all businesses it will be on the Anderson Corp website. Thank you all for coming please enjoy your self.

Everyone clapped and he walked over and grabbed my hand

Chris- I have a surprise for you but I don't want you to get mad okay

Kelis- okay?

He grabbed my hand and led me to a different room and once he opens the door I walked in and I seen my brother

Kyle- kelis

Kelis- Kyle...what are you doin here?

Chris- I invited him babe I feel like you two should talk about a few things I'll be outside

I nodded and watched him walk out

Kyle- before you say anything I just wanna say I'm sorry

I didn't know what to say I was feeling so many things at one time but I mostly felt hurt

Kelis- why Kyle I just wanna know why . I'm your baby sister your only sister you are supposed to protect me and you didn't you put me in even more danger you found out I had an addiction and instead of you stepping to help me you stepped in to make it worse why?!

I broke down and in tears and he pulled me to him crying as well

Kyle- I'm sorry kelis I failed you as a brother and as a friend your right I should have protected you and I didn't I let the money and the drugs blind me and I know that's not an excuse and it's nothing I can say to make what happen better but please give me a new chance a chance to be your brother your friend a chance to get to know my brother in-law and my nephew and any other kids you end up having please

I looked at him and I couldn't form words I just simply nodded accepting that I need to come to terms with everything and forgive him We stood there hugging for another 15 minutes  then we pulled away wiping our tears

Kyle- we good now shortcake ?

I laughed hearing my nick name he gave me years ago

Kelis- yea bubba we good

We walked the room and Chris was standing there talking to mark and Amya he walked over and I gave him a hug

Kelis- thank you

He just nodded and we all went back to the party enjoying ourselves as much as a pregnant woman can

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