Chapter 18: aw shit

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2 months later-

I gave birth to my baby boy a few weeks ago and I'm absolutely loving the mommy life Amya has been coming over everyday to check on me and help me work out and get my body back , Chris is back in the office and hase has completely left me alone she tends to still pop up every now and then but it has honestly been harmless she just comes to see CJ talk to Chris and then she leaves thank god because I am not in the right mental space to deal with her bs .

"so how are you feeling?"I'm better honestly that work out yesterday killed me not going to lie and then last night CJ wouldn't go to sleep until Chris was in the bed with us that boy is so spoiled "well look at who his parents are "

We busted out laughing and in walks my sexy ass husband mmm he make me wanna fuck him right dam now

" close ya mouth girl "

We busted out laughing again I was kinda embarrassed I got caught

"what's so funny "

I instantly blushed thanking god that he couldn't hear what I was thinking

"nothing sir just your wife being a horn dog , how was you guys day ? "it was boring as hell honestly "how was y'all day ? And where is jr?
"our day was good and he down for his nap which he absolutely didn't want to take but after negotiations he took a nap"what kind of negotiations do you make with a two month old😂? "Brest milk for a whole week 😂"
"I'd take a nap for that too "

We all started laughing after a while I got started on dinner and Chris went to shower and tend to CJ while mark and Amelia set up the dinner table

*Knock Knock Knock*

What the hell

"LAPD OPEN UP "what the hell is going on "
"LAPD I'm looking for kelis mari wilson "
"her last name is Anderson and what do you want with my wife "we have reason to believe that she's a suspect in an on going case . She needs to come down to the station now "
"hell no . My wife just gave birth two months ago and she's been home for those two months she ain't going no dam where now get the fuck off my porch . And if y'all gonna try to arrest someone come back with a warrant . "

Chris slammed the door and we all stood there in silence I'm utterly confused n shocked that this has happened I don't know what I've done in life to deserve any of this

"are you okay kelis?" I shook my completely confused " I don't know honestly I'm so confused how could I be a suspect in a case? "
"are you guys still having trouble with your mom Chris? "no my mom has actually been chilled out after the baby had been born ,so im not sure what this is about baby do you know any one out to hurt you? "well yea but he's disappeared so I'm not sure"if your talking about who I think your talking about he should be dead honestly "what? "yea baby I told you he got handled so mark is right he should be dead do you have any other enemies? "
"well no not really everyone I owed I paid back, I did my time, I've stayed clean and stayed away i-I can't think of anyone honestly "

We all sat there and I really racked my brain trying to think

"what about family or old friends or people that used to Yano do the drugs with you "well I thought about and the only person I did any drugs with was- oh my god "

How could I forget? Him of all people the person who dragged me deeper into the pit and left me for dead

"baby? " kelis?! "get some water she's hyperventilating "baby breath talk to us"
"k-Kyle " Kyle? Baby who's Kyle? "the one who left me for dead ....."

"My Brother ....."

-edited 😮‍💨

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