Chapter 21: being a mother

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Kelis pov

Today I decided to have a little outing with CJ .

"hi mama baby we gonna go on a lil trip to the mall today okay? "

He just looked at me and gave me a gummy smile I smiled back and started getting him dressed and once that was done I made sure I had everything I needed for the day . I then walked out the house and of course Chris and a driver for us today

"good afternoon mrs. Anderson are you and sir CJ ready to go "

"yes we are and what is your name? "

"my name is Paul ma'am "

"thank you Paul I'm sure you have family you would rather be with right now "

"it's not a problem ma'am my wife is currently at work and me don't have any children yet "

"wow how long have you guys been married? "

"2years and it has been one heck of a ride"

We both laughed completely understand where he was coming from marriage is fun but it ain't easy we pulled up the mall and I got out with CJ and went inside we shopped around for a few minutes then I got some food and fed CJ . I got all kinds of compliments from "you have a beautiful baby" to "you have a beautiful ass" I simple said thank you to the kind comments and left the others as is

"excuse me "

"um yes? "

"are you kelis ? Christopher Anderson's wife?"

"um yea why? "

"I just want you to know your sick! Your running around here playing house with that man only for his money ! Your a drug addict and alcoholic! You gave birth to a bastardized son! He was born from a junkie he will be a junkie!! "

I was completely embarrassed and confused I didn't know this woman and here she was putting my business out there . I felt CJ moving and I started trying to get him to calm down

"lady I don't know who you are or what you think I know but your information I love my husband with and without his money! And my son ain't no bastard so watch yo mouth you've been following me around all fucking day and for what ?! To put my past out there?! You don't even know the whole truth as to why I was on drugs or was an alcoholic but of course no one cares about that or about the fact that it's been almost 6 years since I've been clean yes every now and then I have an occasional drink but it's never nothing hard or serious it's always ALWAYS wine! So screw you lady! "

By then everyone was listening and some people was even on my side and kept telling the lady to leave me alone but she wouldn't she even went as far as to try to grab my son out of his Carrier .

"what the hell are you doing ! "

"bitch shut up you don't love this child! "

"if you ever try to touch me or my son ever again I will make you pay ! "

At that moment Chris showed up with the police

"ooo I'm so scared!  Officer this woman threatened me ! "

"bitch it wasn't a threat it was a promise! You've been following me around all day you harassed me put my business out in the open that you barely know about insaulted myself, my husband and my child and then you proceeded to try to put your hands on my son so yes I made you a promise that if you EVER I don't care if it is 30 years from now if you EVER touch or try to touch my son again I will make you regret it ! "

"Mrs. Anderson would you like to press charges? "

"yes I would I want her locked up . "

I looked the woman up and down and I noticed something

"you fucking bitch your trays sister . "

"yea bitch I know you had something to do with my brothers death ! "

"your brother dying had nothing to do with me ! That man did everything in hells book to me as well as to others it was just a matter of time before someone got his ass I'm sad to say it wasn't me but if it wasn't he wouldn't even be dead he would wish he was though. "

I grabbed my shopping bags and walked away while the officers put her in cuffs and we left once we got home I checked cjs full body I just to make sure he was okay

"mama baby I'm so sorry "

He just looked at me and touched my face and smiled

"are you okay?"

"yea I guess so I'm sorry I know I should have called from the beginning but I didn't wanna bother you while you were at work and I thought she was just some crazy woman that was gonna ask about when kinks and drinks was going to reopen "

"it's okay baby I completely understand just promise me that if anything like this ever happens again you'll call me "

"I promise babe I promise"

He gave me a kiss and walked out I finished getting CJ ready for bed and once he was out I stood there watching him sleep

"baby you sure you okay? "

"yea I'm sorry I couldn't help it he could have been hurt today "

"but he wasn't because his mother was there being a good mother "

I looked at him and smiled and he guided me out of the room and we went to bed.
-edited ❤️‍🔥trays sister 👇🏾

 ---------------- -edited ❤️‍🔥trays sister 👇🏾

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