Chapter 22: media

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Kelis pov:

It's been about five months since that mall incident with trays sister and it's been all over the news now I can't go anywhere with out people feeling sorry for me or judging me but all that matters to me is that CJ is okay today he turned 7months and he's starting to get into more trouble then before considering he just learned how to walk and say mommy that's his favorite word until his daddy comes around then it's all about him

"mommy mommy mommy "

"yes baby what you want ? You hungry?
You wanna eat? "


"yes baby ! Eat ! Like food "

"eat eat eat eat eat eat "

Aw dam I guess he found a favorite word

"okay papa let's eat "

I make him his cereal bowel and a bottle then we sit at the table and I feed him once he's done with that I offer him the bottle but he Doesn't want it so I pick him up and put him down for his nap.

20 mins later

Finally he's down I can now clean up I start in the living room and make my way upstairs once I'm done I start making lunch

Chris pov-

work has been extremely boring lately just the typical clients and of course the woman that always hit on me a lot of them feel like they don't have to respect kelis anymore because of the mall incident and it's highly annoying

"mr.Anderson? Miss Whilite is here for the meeting "

"great send her in"

This is unfortunately one of the women that feel they can disrespect kelis

"Chris? How are you hunny "

"it's mr.Anderson to you. Sit down"

"what's the matter love? That drug addict finally getting on your nerves? "

"our contract with your companies is officially terminated as of today. You are no longer a Anderson incorporated client . "

"W-what ?! Why ??!!!"

"your too comfortable with disrespecting my wife and my marriage. And if I have to cut ties with every client behind my wife I Will. You dumb ass people don't know her story but your quick to judge her all the while it's other people doing way worst shit out here then what she has done. Now get the fuck out of my office. "

She say there and stared at me In shock and disbelief

"I -I don't understand your dropping me as your client all because of what is going on in the media ?! "

"no I'm dropping you as a client because of how ignorant you are to believe everything you see and read on websites that slander people for a living this isn't your first time doing this you've done this with me as well but it will be your last time . Now if you don't get the hell out of my building and do it respectfully then I will have security remove you out the back . "

She nodded her head and grabbed her belongings and walked out . Once my door closed I sat down and started a mass email to all of my current & potential clients ,

To any and all current and potential clients if you have an issues with the event in the media regarding my wife in the past few months be advised that I have no issue with dropping you like a bad habit for being disrespectful to my wife and son. I have very little time and absolutely no room for bullshit so if you wish to keep this completely professional then keep my wife's name and her business out of your mouths and blogs otherwise please email me back and I will gladly terminate our contracts and you will no longer be apart of Anderson corporation.
Sincerely, C.Anderson.

I sent off the email and closed everything down in my office and clocked out and made my way home to my wife and son . As soon as I got home and walked in the house I hear the tv talking about the fact that I just sent an email to every one

"babe you really sent out an email?! "

"well yes . I had a client today and of course she was taking mess and being disrespectful so I ended our contract and decided to give everyone else that same opportunity to be let go if they decided they wouldn't respect you "

"wow babe Your crazy "

"only for you babes "

"so babe I was thinking maybe we should go on one of these talk shows and clear everything up

"are you sure ? "

"yes it might help "

"it might also get worse are you absolutely sure you wanna chance it?"

"yes because in the end I would know that I tried "

"alright then babe I'll tell Sandra , so what's for dinner tonight? "

"burritos "

"awesome where's CJ?"

"he should be getting up any minute now "

And just like that he started wining

"daaaaaad "

"he just knows your here lord oh and he learned a new word today "

"really ? What? "

"mommy eaaattttt "

"did he just say eat? "

"yup that's been his word all day even when he wasn't hungry "

"oh lord I'll go get him "

I walked up stairs and as soon as I walked in the room he was climbing out his crib

"what the hell lil man what are you doing ?! "

"dadddd out out out ! "

"ok pop but you can hurt yourself doing that okay? You can't do that no more otherwise you gonna fall and be saying owwwww"

"no dad no ow "

"Ok so no ow then no climbing okay?"

"Kay "

"okay let's go eat with mom "

"mommy eat!!"

We made our way down stairs to eat and we on about our day

-edited ❤️‍🔥

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