Chapter 15

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Ian's POV

When I was about to drive back to Paul's place I thought about the best way to tell Julia.

I had almost arrived when I had an idea..Nikki was at New York for two weeks, Nina didn't want to see me, Paul would surely appreciate to be alone since Phoebe was going to come back today and I needed to tell Julia something really important.

I decided to pack my stuff and book a flight to Germany where I could visit Julia. I wasn't going to call her since I wanted it to be a surprise.

I smiled at the thought that I would see my little Jules in a few days even if she would kill me for this nickname.

When I arrived at Paul's I used the key he gave me.

"Hey Paul! I'm back!" I yelled.

He rushed downstairs. "Hey, how was it?" he asked.

"Don't ask" I sighed. She's going to NY with Jillian for two weeks." I sighed.

"I'm sorry man. So will you just wait?" he asked me.

"No" I stated. "I decided to visit Jules in Germany. "I'm sure Kevin and Julie will give me a week off" I explained.

He nodded. "I actually think that they'll interrupt filming for a week." He said.

"What?!" I asked. "I thought they had a strict schedule" I asked in surprise.

"They do but Nina and you won't ne there for a week, I asked for a week off to spend some time with Phoebe and Candice has her honeymoon. There aren't so many of us left" he smiled.

I nodded. "Well I'm gonna pack my stuff now and drive to the airport to get the first plane to Julia ok?"

"Yeah. I'm sure the distance will help you a bit" he encouraged me smiling.

Hopefully...I thought.

When I came back with my luggage Paul was watching TV.

"Man when Phoebe comes back she will hopefully kick your lazy little ass" I laughed.

Paul chuckled and looked at his watch. "Yeah, I have two hours left to relax"

"Okay, tell Phoebe I'm sorry I left like that but I have to leave now if I want to catch the plane."

"I'll tell her. Do you want me to drive you to the airport?" Paul asked politely.

"No way! You wouldn't have enough time to relax if you drove me!" I fake gasped.

Paul gave me an annoyed look and I gave my best not to laugh. "No it's okay. I'll take a cab."

He nodded and stood up. "Okay then. I really hope this will help you." Paul said and hugged me. "Travel safe, man"

"Thanks" I smiled and turned around to walk out the door.


Julia's POV

I layed in bed and groaned. 6am. I hated school. I was tired as hell since Sam and Marisa stayed late last night and I still had a jetlag.

I got up from bed and grabbed my phone. I decided not to text Ian since he hadn't call me back how he said he would. I was hurt. I thought that Ian was a person who was truly interested in me and that he wouldn't just forget about me as soon as I was back in Germany.

I sighed. I was obviously wrong.

After I had decided what to wear I went downstairs to eat breakfast. I ate some cereals and drank a tea when I realized that I was increadibly late for school. I grabbed my stuff and ran out of the apartment.

When I got there I was already five minutes late. I knocked at the door and went in. "Sorry, I overslept" I apologized and went to my seat.

"Oh and Miss Hastings had the time to join us today too" Mr Reynolds said sarcastically.

I looked down and rolled my eyes. I hate this.


The schoolbell rang and I sighed in relief. Thank god I wouldn't have survived another minute.

I got up and saw Sam and Marisa walking towards me. "Hey, we want to go to the city since we're not writing classtests anytime soon. Do you want to come with us?" Marisa asked me.

I thought about it for a minute. I would like to hang out with them but I was still really tired.

"Sorry guys, but I'm still jetlaged. I think I'm going home to get some rest." I replied and left because I didn't want to loose the bus.

I got out of the bus and walked to my place when I saw a car I didn't know in front of the house.

I raised an eyebrow and walked faster when I saw someone standing in front of the door.

It was a man with dark hair dressed in Jeans and a leather jacket.

When I reached him I poked his shoulder.

"Can I help y-" I stopped talking when he turned around and two beautiful blue eyes were looking at me.

"Finally! I thought you would never show up!" Ian beamed pulling me into a tight hug.

I couldn't help but laugh. God I missed him! What was he doing here?!

"What are you doing here?" I asked finally able to speak.

"Visiting you" he smiled "Sorry if I didn't call you back yesterday but I wanted this to be the biggest surprise as possible."

I nodded understandingly and looked for my keys.

"So come in then" I smiled still staring at him to make sure I wan't dreaming.

Bonding {Ian Somerhalder FanFic}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora