Chapter 16

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Ian's POV

I smiled at her when she opened the door. I was so happy to see her again! I stepped in and looked around.

"Nice place" I stated.

"Thank you" Jules smiled sheepishly.
"Do you want to drink something?"

"Yeah coffee would be nice" I answered scratching the back of my head.

She nodded and turned on the coffee machine. " are the things with Nikki? Is it so good to leave when she's mad at you?" she asked sceptically.

"No it's not." I replied. "But she went to New York with a friend of hers and won't return for two weeks." I sighed.

"I'm sorry..I really hope-" Julia started but I cut her off.

"It's okay. I messed up and I deserve this."

"No you don't!" she hissed. "It was a one time mistake!"

I smiled at her effort to defend me. I layed my hand on her shoulder to calm her down.

"I didn't come here to discuss these things with you." I sighed. "I have something to tell you"

She nodded and sighed as well. "Well I hope that at least these will be better news"

I grinned because I couldn't wait to see her reaction.

"What?" she asked raising her eyebrow.

"Remember the day you shot the scene with us?" I asked her already knowing the answer.

"Are you kidding me?" She asked in disbelief "Just tell me already!"

"Julie and all the other people were really impressed by you" I went on keeping her in suspense.
"And since you're always saying that you want to experience something new..Well Julie called me the last day and said that she has a role for you. Only if you want it, of course."

My grin widened when I saw her reaction.

She was looking at me with joy in her eyes.

"Please tell me this is real" she whispered.

I smiled at her. "It is"

She jumped up and hugged me.

"Oh my god Ian I can't believe this! Of course I want! Thank you so much! Thank you thank you thank you!!" she said hugging me tighter for every thank you.

"Don't thank me!" I said laughing. "It's your talent"

She grinned. "Too cheesy, Smolder, too cheesy"

I laughed and kissed her cheek.

"I can't wait to see you everyday on set."


We sat in Jules' apartment for a couple of hours. We talked about everything amd laughed about half of the time. Her parents didn't show up until now and I was thinking about whether I should ask her about them or not.

"So...where are your parents?" I couldn't held my curiosity back.

Julia looked at the clock and raised her eyebrows. "I actually don't know. My mom usually comes home at 4...I don't know" She repeated shrugging.

I nodded. "Do you think they would mind if we would go out?" I asked her.

She grinned. "I don't care. Let's go."

She stood up and grabbed her jacket.
I smiled at her excitement and stood up as well.

We went to the car I rented and sat down. When I started the car Julia started laughing.

"What?" I asked confused.

"You even rented a electric car. You're badass Ian!"

I smiled. "Well you're not that bad either."

I loved that Julia cared about the enviroment. She was really similar to me. She liked the same things I did, wanted to become an actor and cared about the enviroment. I really loved her like a little sister.

We arrived at the city and got out of the car.

"Where do you want to go?" She asked me.

"I don't know. You're the one who lives here."

"I know a nice restaurant but isn't it a bit early to already eat dinner?" She asked me.

"Yeah you're right. We can walk around and you can show me the sights of the city." I suggested.

"Okay" She nodded. "Let's start with the city hall then."


Julia's POV

When we reached the city hall I saw a group of girls sitting in front of it. They laughed and talked at a increadibly annoying volume.

"Oh no" I said when we got closer.

"What's wrong?" he asked worriedly.

"Nothing I just thought that we should rather go to the park." I stated.


I raised my eyebrows and couldn't help but grin. "No?"

"You can't just walk away from something without telling me what it is" he explained.

Fine I thought.

I stopped walking and touched Ian's shoulder to make him stop too.

"These girls in front of the city hall..."

Ian turned around to look at them. "What is wrong with them? I mean besides their pretty annoying volume?"
he asked and I grinned at the last question.

"They are at my school. They're like the most arrogant and meanest bitches the world has ever seen." I was surprised by my choice of words.

"Why?" he was suprised too.

"Just believe me. They keep making fun of me and my friends." I explained.

"Then we should face them" He said and because I could reply a word he was dragging me towards them.

When they saw the two of us they started whispering.

Just like I expected.

When one of them spoke up I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"Hey Julia, it's so nice to see you! How are you? And who have you brought with you?" Luisa asked and I started to understand.

"Aren't you Ian Somerhalder?" Another one of them asked in disbelief.

I looked up at Ian and saw that he was smiling at them.

What?! Didn't he listen to me? He isn't supposed to smile for God's sake!

"Yes, I am" he stated and turned around to me.

"I wonder why you seem so surprised to see me since you seem to be friends with Julia." He said and faked a confused face.

"Jules haven't you told them about me?" he asked in a fake shock voice using my nickname.

I grinned when I understood what he was doing.

"Well I actually just told my really good friends." I explained. "Now that we are talking about them...we totally forgot to visit them like we promised. Don't you remeber that you promised them a skype conference with the other cast members?" I asked and could see that the girls mouths were hanging open.

"Right!" Ian said. "Sorry then" he turned around to the girls. "We have to go to Julia's REAL friends now" He apologized.

When we were about 100m away I burst out laughing and he joined me.

"A skype conference?" He aked me still laughing. "Not bad!"

I smiled at him. "Thank you. That was amazing."

He wrapped one arm around my shoulder and kissed my forehead. "You're welcome Jules."

Making fun of people you don't like without making them notice was definitely one of the perks of being friends with Ian Somerhalder. I thought and couldn't help but smile.

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