Chapter 7

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Julia's POV

And Cut!" Julie yelled staring at me. "Wow that was amazing!"

I smiled shyly at her and realized that everyone in the room was gazing at me.

I turned around to ask Ian why everyone was looking at me like they've never seen a 15 year old girl before just to realize that he did the same thing.

"What?!" I asked Ian confused.

After a few more confusing seconds I watched Ian as his face lit up and he flashed "That was extraordinary! I mean seriously that was impressive!"

I blushed when everyone in the room agreed with him and started clapping.

"Thank you" I told everyone looking around.

I saw Julie walking in my direction and smiled at her too.

"Seriously that was really good. Did you ever act before?" she asked curiously.

"I made a short movie with my friends a couple of years ago but I never did it professionally." I answered uncomfortable but also flattered by the impression I left.

"You really should consider that when you grow up, you're pretty talented."
Julie went on.

"Absolutely" Ian agreed with her.

"Well, like I said yesterday I could imagine that as my future job but it's not easy to get a good role." I reminded Ian of our conversation.

"Right" Ian said and he suddenly seemed really keen on leaving the room. "So you'll cut the stuff and you'll bring it to my trailer when you're done right?" he asked one of the people standing there.

After he nodded Ian grabbed my arm and told Julie and Paul that he would like to show me the rest of the set.

When we were on the corridor again I turned around and raised an eyebrow.

"What was that? I would've liked to talk to Paul a little bit more" I asked him now even more confused.

"I wanted to tell you that it can be hard to get a good role but that I'll help you if you want that. I just couldn't say that in front of the whole crew." He explained and the moment I wanted to thank him for that he added: "Plus I'm a lot more fun than Paul"

I laughed and smacked his arm playfully "Get over yourself"

"So what are we gonig to do? You already showed me the set."

"We can walk around and I'll introduce you to the rest of the cast if you want."

"Sounds good but I already met my favourite like you said" I told him knowing that it sounded increadibly cheesy.

He laughed "Okay that was too much"

I grinned and started walking


"They are all so nice" I said exitedly.

Ian and I spent the last one and a half hour walking around the set and talking to the other cast members. We talked to Candice, Kat, Steven, Zach, Matt, Michael and met Paul and Nina at the cafeteria.

"Yes, but now I'm definitely tired. That was too much talking." Ian complained and laid down on the couch.

"C'mon that was fun" I gave back. "If the people I'm talking to are nice I like talking." I explained and sat down in the armchair next to the couch.

"Really? I can't imagine you don't talking to everyone."

I stayed silence for a while not knowing what to say until there was a knock on the door.

Since Ian didn't move or speak I went to the door and opened it. It was Paul.

"Hey" I whispered. "Ian was tired and I think he fell asleep." I said explaining why I was whispering.

He nodded "Yeah he was pretty tired the past weeks. He's working a lot."

I looked at a DVD in his hands. "What's that?" I asked curiously.

"Oh right. That's the scene we shot earlier. Julie told me to bring it to you."
He whispered back.

"Thanks! Not just for bringing it..It was great to get this opportunity so thank you for being a part of it" I said trying to sound polite.

"You're welcome. It was fun for me too." He assured me and left to go to his trailer.

I looked at my watch. 7pm. Since I was tired as hell too and Ian didn't seem to wake up soon I sat down on the armchair again and closed my eyes.

I woke up when someone shook me lightly. I opened my eyes to seen Ian in front of me.

"Hey stop it. I'm awake now." I snapped angrily. That was my usual mood when I was tired and someone woke me up.

"Sorry but I thought that I should bring you back to your hotel room. It's already 10pm." Ian tried to apologize.

"Sure I'm sorry. I'm always in a bad mood when I wake up." I explained trying to smile.

"Why didn't you wake me? I wanted to invite you for dinner since you're already leaving the day after tomorrow.."

Right..I had to leave soon. And than Ian would live his fancy life without me and I had to go back to my damn daily routine.

"I didn't want to wake you up. You seemed exhausted" I told him.

"Well, anyway we should both sleep in our beds so we can spend our last day together in a good mood." Ian tried to joke but I was too sad about the fact that I had only one day with the only person in the world who seemed to care for me left.

"Sure. When do you pick me up tomorrow?" I simply wanted to know.

"11am?" he suggested.

I nodded.

Bonding {Ian Somerhalder FanFic}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora