Chapter 9

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I brought Jules to the apartment Nikki and I lived in and led her to the kitchen.

"This is pretty" Julia told me looking around.

"Yeah thank you." I answered distrected by the fact that Nikki wasn't at home like we planned it.

"Where's Nikki?" Julia asked me like she read my thoughts.

I sighed and pulled my phone out of my pocket. "I don't know." I replied dialing Nikki's number.

I waited for about two minutes for her to answer when I gave up.

"I'm sure she will show up soon." I smiled at Jules still wondering where my girlfriend might be.

"Nevermind" I grinned. "I actually planned a real meal but since Nikki isn't here and I'm not really in the mood what do you think about chinese?" I asked her with an apologizing look on my face.

"Sure" she smiled. "I love chinese"

We ordered the food and sat at the table when Jules asked me out of sudden "Did you ever had the feeling that you just don't want to live your life the way it is anymore? I mean that you want to experience sonething exciting. Something you can be admired for."

I looked at her for a few seconds thinking about what to say. "I think everyone experienced something like that..I think that I want to try a whole new things sometimes. But then I'm happy with my life here so I don't see why I should take that risk, if you understand what I mean" I answered honestly.

Julia looked at me and sighed. "I don't want to go back. I'm happy here. I don't want to go back where nobody understands me and everyone keeps telling me that I should strain more..." She murmured.

If only I could help her.. I thought If only I could give her the opportunity to stay here or be happy in Germany. I have to find a way..

"Maybe I can visit you in Germany. Come on that would be fun. You could show me where you live and what your favourite places are. And we can talk and discuss all the things you don't want to tell anybody else on the phone ok?" I asked her smiling and putting my hand on her shoulder. "You're not alone. Do you understand me?"

She nodded and smiled when she stood up and pulled me up next to her.

When we faced each other she threw her arms around my waist and hugged me. "Thank you so much. I'm gonna miss you so much"

I patted her hair and smiled

"Me too little lady"

Jules and I sat at the table for a few more hours until I looked at the clock.
11pm. I tried to call Nikki at least 10 times the past hours but she didn't answer.

"Hey it's already 11pm and you still have to pack." I exclaimed.

"Oh crap" Jules grinned looking at the clock too. "Can you drive me back to the hotel? I will see you tomorrow right?"

I was surprised about that question. "Sure what do you think? I'll bring you to the airport." I assured her smilingly "But the next time you visit me here you should sleep in my guest room. It's pretty annoying if we always have to go to the hotel." I added.

Julia nodded tiredly but flashed at the second statement.


When I arrived back at home I hoped that Nikki would be there.

I opened the door but the apartment was dark. "Hello? Nikki are you home?"


I sighed and dialed Nikki's number for the 100th time this evening.

"Yes?" Nikki's finally replied in an annoyed and drunk sounding voice.

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