Chapter 6

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Julia's POV

After Nikki left the trailer I turned around to face Ian.

"Jules?" I asked grinning.

"I don't know. It just came out of my mouth but I like it.." Ian answered shyly.

I laughed at his insure facial expression. "Me too. I'm happy that it wasn't snickerdoodle that came out of your mouth." I joked causing Ian to laugh with me.

"But what do you think about Nikki? She's great isn't she?" Ian asked me still grinning.

I smiled at his excitement. "Yes I like her. Plus you two are the sweetest thing I've ever seen"

I wondered why he seemed so releaved that I liked her when he interrupted my thought. "Well you've only been 15 years on this planet Jules. I'm sure you'll find someone who you'll find even sweeter. Trust me."

"That's pretty cheesy Ian but I'm sorry to I disappoint you since I'm nearly 16 years on this planet." I told him raising an eyebrow.

"Seriously? When's your birthday?" He asked curiously.

"In one and a half week..but it isn't a big deal. Just a usual day" I said uncomfortable with the whole birtday situation. I hated it when people told me it was a big deal.

"C'mon Jules! You can invite your whole family and all of your friends and throw a big party!" Ian said getting way to exited for my taste.

"I really don't feel like partying okay?" I tried cutting him off.

"Hey what's wrong?" Ian wanted to know noticing my anger. "You're sure this is just about your birthday party?" He asked with a worried look on his face.

"It's just that I don't feel like there are many people who I want to celebrate my birthday with..My parents don't care about me, I don't even know the rest of my family very well and my friends let me down as soon as I do something they don't like. So no Ian I don't want to celebrate my damn birthday okay?!" I yelled realizing that tears were streaming down my face.

"Hey Hey it's okay" Ian tried to calm me down. "I know it can be hard but you're not alone. You have me. And I promise you Jules: I won't let you down okay?" He said in a calming voice.

I didn't think about the next thing I did. I stepped towards him and hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and kissed my forehead.

Tears were streaming down my face but it wasn't just for sadness anymore. I was moved. I never expected that someone would care that much for me like I felt Ian did.

"Thank you" I muttered into his chest.


Ian's POV

After I calmed Julia down she left to get her make up. I couldn't understand why everyone she knows lets her down. After I finished reading through my fan mail I decided to read the script to calm myself down.

I read about 5 pages when someone knocked at my door.

"Yes? Come in" I said in a loud voice.

The door opened and Nina was standing there. "Hey" she said smiling.
"I heard that you have a special guest today and I wanted to say hi"

I stood up and hugged her.

"First of all hi to you" I said breaking the hug. "Jules just left to get her make up. But she should be back in a few. You can wait here if you want" I told her.

I knew that there were all this rumors on the internet about Nina and me not talking to each other and fighting all the time. That was ridiculous. She still was an amazing woman and the fact that we dated a few years ago didn't change anything.

"That would be nice Smouldy" She answered grinning.

"You can stay here if you don't use these embarassing nicknames" I told her laughing.

Nina just smiled and sat on the couch. I couldn't help but notice that she was wearing really short pants. She still was a beautiful human being but I loved Nikki so I ignored the thought about her bare legs and sat down next to her.

"Wanna watch some TV?" I asked her breaking the silence.

"Sure" she said grabbing the remote and turning the TV on. The Vampire Diaries was on. It was a scene where I was taking a shower and you could see me shirtless for about two minutes.

I groaned and rolled my eyes.

Nina noticed it and laughed. "C'mon Smolder there isn't anything you should be embarassed for."

I looked at her unsure how she meant that and getting uncomfortable with the whole situation when the door opened and Julia stepped in.

I love this girl I thought releaved that she broke the awkward silence.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to disturb.." She said and I could see in her eyes that she didn't know what to think about the situation.

"No it's perfect!" I said cheerfully "Nina came by to say hi to you"

"Oh that's nice. Hi I'm Julia" Jules said now smiling at Nina.

"Hey Julia, really nice to meet you. So you're shooting a scene with Paul and Ian today I heard." Nina answered and hugged Julia for a moment.

"Yes and we have to go now if we don't want to be late" I interrupted the two of them.

Julia seemed to be a little disapponted but nodded and smiled a good bye at Nina.


When we walked to the set Julia was really quite.

"Everything ok?" I asked not sure if I really wanted to know the answer.

" and Nina. You're just friends?" She asked straight away.

oh no I thought. "Listen we were just watching TV while waiting for you. And trust me when I say that I love Nikki from the bottom of my heart." I told her noticing how cheesy this sounded.

"I don't doubt that Ian" She said raising an eyebrow.

I stopped walking and looked at her with a begging look. "I don't know. It's just that she really gets to me and we still have a connection to each other. But I love Nikki I would never do something to hurt her." I assured her surprising myself by trusting Julia that much.

"I'm sorry. It's really none of my business" she told me shaking her head. "I don't know why I asked you that"

"It's okay. I need people who tell me what they think. I like that" I told her starting to walk again and smirking at her.

Paul and the crew already waited for us when we walked in the studio.

Paul walked toward us with a grin on his face. "There you are. We already thought you wouldn't come anymore."

"Well here we are" I answered and looked around. "I'll give you some instructions and then we can start okay?" I asked Julia.


After 15minuts of me explaining her where to go and where to look at We stood there ready for Julie to give us a sign.

"Okay..and action!"

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