Chapter 3

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Julia's POV

When I went home from school I layed on my bed and sighed.

I was tired of all this. I didn't want to live like this. I don't want to go to school only that everyone can tell me that I need to focus on the "important" things to have a good graduation. I want to experience new things, meet new people and travel to another country.

I sighed again.

Maybe it has to wait after school I thought.

My phone rang. It was Marisa.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked

"Hi I just wanted to tell you that Mike asked Lisa on a date and they are going to the movies this saturday."

I smiled. I was happy for the both of them.

"Finally!" I said and laughed. "So what are we going to do on Saturday?" I asked her.

"I'm sorry I have to help my parents with their café this saturday but maybe you can come to my place at sunday?"

"Uhmm yeah maybe" I murmured slightly disapponted.

"Is everything ok?" She asked concerned.

"Yeah sure just still a little pissed off by mr. reynolds" I said and she laughed.

"Understandable. He is a dick."

Now it was my turn to laugh.

"So maybe we can meet up with Hulk, Mike, Lisa and Sam on Sunday?" She asked again.

"Yes" I agreed now and was already exited.

I love to spent time with my friends even if I know we won't do anything productive.

"Great!" She answered as exited as me.

After Marisa hung up I decided to learn something for the school even if I hated it. I don't understand why I will need these things in my future because I already know that I don't want to become a maths prof.

I sighed for the god knows how much time this day and began to study.


The next days past pretty fast what surprised me because school weeks ususally feel like they wouldn't have an end.

On Saturday morning I woke up and went to the living room and found a note from my parents.

"Hey Jules, your dad and I are at a friend's birthday today. Don't wait for us it could get late. Food is in the fridge, Mom"

I read it and threw the note in the dustbin. I was used to notes like that.

Today they have to go on a birthday, next week to a meeting and the week after that god knows where, I don't care.

I ate breakfast and them called Sam.

"Hey princess" He answered the phone and I laughed.

"Hey" I simply said "busy today?"

"No why any plans?" He answered and I could hear through the phone that he was pouting.

"How about us meeting up at 2 at starbucks?" I proposed.

"Starbucks it is." He replied and hung up.

I laughed. If you want to have long conversations over the phone, Sam is definitely the wrong friend. But I prefered talking in person too so I was perfectly fine with it and found it actually amusing.

Because of that I was truly surprised when my phone rang.

"Is there anything else?" I asked not looking at the caller ID.

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