Chapter 12; Oh shit, What's Happened?

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*Johnny's POV*

I couldn't believe what had just happened. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket as quickly as possible and rung Brian. "Yo Bri, can you come outside please, it's kinda urgent." Brian hung up the phone and came rushing outside to see what I was going on about. "Holy fucking shit Johnny, what actually happened?" I started to explain to Bri when Zacky ran out 5 minutes later. "Hey what's going-" Zacky paused and had tears welling up in his eyes. "Guys?" Zacky said. I quickly got my phone out and called an ambulance, I can't believe this happened in front of my very own eyes.

Zacky walked up to the place where the accident took place. He looked into the cars broken door window to find a blonde woman in the passenger seat. "No no no no no fucking way no." Zacky stood there stiff as an ice cube. "Br-Brian, com-come he-here please." Brian walked over to Zacky and looked into the car. Both Brian and Zacky looked at each other then looked straight at Johnny. "Johnny you do know who is in this car right?" Johnny paused as he turned around to see blue flashing lights and a siren going off.

The paramedics and fire crew had to cut the roof off to get the driver and passenger out. As soon as the paramedics pulled the first person out, Brian, Zacky and Johnny all gasped. "Wait is that......Matt? Omg what the fuck". Suddenly Johnny dropped his phone on the floor and ran home. "Johnny Christ where the fuck are you going?" Brian shouted as Johnny kept on running. Johnny didn't respond, all he did was run and run and never looked back at Brian and Zacky.

*A few hours passed*

It was now around 9pm and Brian and Zacky were at the hospital sitting in the waiting room for information about Matt. "Mr Haner and Mr Baker?" Both Brian and Zacky got up from their seats and walked over to the doctor. "Is he okay doc?" Zacky said, worried to death. "Your friend Mr Sanders is awake and wants to see you both, if you would like to follow me, I will show you both to his room. Zacky and Brian followed the doctor to Matt's room but the doctor had bad news. "I believe the passenger of the car was Miss Dibenedetto, Mr Sanders girlfriend? Am I correct?" Brian could feel his heart racing. "Yes indeed she is doc, is everything alright with her?" "She is in a very critical condition right now and it's best not to mention anything to Mr Sanders." The doctor replied. "What if he starts asking about her then what doc? What do we tell him?" "Just tell him that she is asleep at the moment, okay Mr Baker."

The doctor left Brian and Zacky as they started to enter the room. Both the guys sat either side of Matt's bed and couldn't believe what had happened. "Br-Bri, Za-Zack, is that you? Where's Val?" "Yes Matt it is us and Val is sound asleep at the moment but she will be fine." Zacky hated lying to his best friend but it was the safest thing to do in this situation. "Guys what the fuck happened? Ouch my fucking head hurts."

"Well Matt, from what me and Zacky saw was that your car had crashed. Johnny was the one who witnessed it but he ran home and we haven't heard from him since, so really you need to ask him." "How can I ask him if he isn't here and I'm stuck in this fucking bed Bri?" "Maybe we can get him to come up here. Bri on our way home, let's stop at Johnny's and see if he is there." Brian nodded his head. Suddenly the doctor came in Matt's room and had a sad look on her face. "Mr Sanders?" Matt looked straight over at the doctor. "There's been some very bad news, Miss Dibenedetto, has passed away." The doctor left the room and Matt burst into tears.

"What? She can't be dead. No this is not happening to me, as soon as I got her back she's gone again. Why is my life such a fuck up?" Brian rubbed the back of Matt's back while Zacky tried to ring Johnny's back-up phone. No answer. "Bri, Johnny's not answering his phone, we seriously need to see if he is okay." "Matt we are going to have to find Johnny, we will be back in a while." Matt was still in tears but as Brian and Zacky walked out they met in the hallway with Val's sister and Matt's dad. "Hey boys, how's Matt doing?" "You kinda need to go and comfort him, he has just got some terrible news." Brian took Zacky's hand and walked out of the hospital towards the car. "Where do you think Johnny is Zack? I'm kinda worried about him." "I don't know Bri, I really don't but one thing I know for sure is that he will be happy that Val is dead."

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