Chapter 13; Where is Johnny?

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Brian and Zacky drove off towards Johnny's house to see where he had gone. They pulled up into the drive and got out of the car. They knocked on the door but there was no answer. Zacky then remembered that Johnny always leaves a key in the flower pot next to his front porch. Zacky grabbed the key and unlocked the door. "Johnny you here?" "Zack, I don't think Johnny is here, I've called his name but no response." "Have you checked the whole house babe?" The guys rushed around the house to see if they could find Johnny. Suddenly Brian looked on the counter in the kitchen. "Yo Zack, come here." Zacky joined Brian in the kitchen where there was a note.

To whoever see's this, I have gone away for a while to get my head straight, please don't come looking for me as no one will convince me to come back. Have fun while I'm gone, Johnny. Xx

Both of the guys looked at each other. "Where the fuck has he gone?" "How am I suppose to know Zack, I'm not a mind reader." Suddenly it clicked in Zacky's brain. "Brian, I know where he is, he is in Bat Country, I just know it." "How can you be so sure? What if we go on that trip and he isn't even there?" Zacky paused for a sudden moment. "Bri let's get back to the hospital and tell Matt that Johnny's done a runner." The guys locked up the house and drove towards the hospital again.

A few hours later both Zacky and Brian set off towards Bat Country, praying that Johnny would be there. Zacky had fallen asleep while Brian drove along. It was a calm and peaceful drive. "Zacky, Zacky" Brian said shaking him. "Wanna get some food before we continue our journey?" Zacky woke up a bit and climbed out of the car as Brian did. Brian took Zacky's hand and they both walked into the diner.

They both finished up their food and got back on the road. Zacky thought it would be better to drive so Syn could have a rest. As they drove along the lonely road they suddenly came to a town called crossroads. "Hey Bri, haven't we been here before?" Brian looked a bit confused as he had just woken up. "Yeah, strangely yes, I do remember this place." They drove through the town to see a sign saying 'Bat Country 100 miles'. Syn sighed and fell back to sleep. Zacky suddenly put the radio on and 'seize the day' started playing. "Wow, Matt would not want to hear this right now if he was here." Zacky whispered to himself.

As daylight came through the windscreen of the car, Zacky knew that they were so close to Bat Country where Johnny would be. Firstly he had to wake Brian up and that was never an easy job, you wouldn't think how hard it is to wake a 33 year old man up. "SYN WAKE THE FUCK UP". "Huh huh what?" "Oh nice to see you awake, finally." Zacky gave Brian a kiss and they continued their journey. "Fuck Zack, I'm hungry as fuck, can we stop soon and get food?" "Bri, we will be there any minute now, just wait."

A short while later, Brian and Zacky had finally made it too Bat Country. They checked into there hotel which gave them a perfect view of the beach. "Right let's go get us some good and see if we can find that asshole we call our bassist". Brian and Zacky asked everyone they saw if they had seen Johnny but they had no luck. "Where the fuck is this motherfucker, he is doing my head in." "Zacky calm down man seriously, we will find him, if it's the last thing I ever do."

Meanwhile Johnny was on the beach enjoying the sun with one of his mates called Jason. "This is the life, no band stuff, no Matt, no Brian and Zacky relationship, just me and you Jason." "Johnny what actually happened between everyone? You all count each other as brothers where has it gone wrong?" "Jason look, since The Rev passed away things haven't been the same, Matt has now lost Val because she died in a car crash and Brian and Zacky are now in a relationship, things are never going to be the same again." Suddenly Johnny caught a glimpse of Zacky out the corner of his eye. "Jason we have to go NOW" "why Johnny? Come on man it's a beautiful day." "We have to go now, hurry up." Johnny and Jason got up and went to Jason's.

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