Chapter 16; On The Road Back Home!

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As the sunlight burned through the hotel curtains, Brian woke up and rubbed his eyes. Suddenly Zacky's phone started ringing which woke Zacky up. "Oh fuck off" Zacky shouted. "Bri, get my phone please." Brian picked up the phone to notice it was Matt. "Yo Mattie what's up?" "Have you found Johnny yet? Plus when the fuck are you coming back?""Dude we found Johnny and we were planning on coming home today, me and Zack have just got to get him." "Okay see you soon bro."

Brian put the phone back on the bedside table next to Zack who had fell back to sleep. "Zacky...Zacky...ZACKY VENGEANCE, WAKE UP NOW." Zacky jumped as Brian poked his lovers side. "Bri what have I told you about doing that?" "Well come on, we've got to get Johnny and head back to Huntington Beach."

Brian and Zacky packed their things and checked out of the hotel. They got into the car and started driving towards Jason's. They arrived at the house and Brian got out of the car and rung the doorbell. Johnny answered the door. "Oh have you came for round 2 now Brian?" "Johnny look I'm sorry for last night, Zack told me everything and I should be mad at you for kissing my boyfriend but that can wait, we've got to go back to Huntington to see Matt." "So why have you came here?" Zacky stepped out of the car and walked up behind Brian. "Because you are coming with us." Johnny had a shocked look on his face. "Guys I-I can't, I can't face Matt, he will probably beat me." "Johnny just hurry up and get your stuff ready, we're going and you're coming with us, like it or not."

Johnny went to get his stuff packed while the couple spoke to Jason for a while. Suddenly Johnny appeared with his bag and was ready to go. "Jason, my car will be fine here for a while right?" "Yeah sure Johnny, it will be kept in the garage." "Cheers Jason." The guys said their goodbyes and made their way over to the car.

The guys had been driving for over 2 hours now without a stop. "Bri, can we pull over at the next services, I need to pee." Zacky was fast asleep as he wasn't feeling very good. "Brian look, about the other night, I don't know what I was thinking, I know I shouldn't have kissed Zacky and I'm truly sorry." "Johnny look, I don't want to talk about this now, wait till we get back into Huntington." As Brian drove on, he saw the sign for services. He took the next turning into the services. "Zacky, Johnny we're here, let's go get some food."

The guys finished up their food and got back on to the road. Zacky said he would drive to give Brian a break. "Guys can we put some music on?" "I vote Metallica" Johnny said putting his hand up. Zacky put the CD in and drove on towards home.

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