Chapter 24; Old Memories!

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It had been 3 months since the guys got back from tour. Johnny had moved in with Matt, while Zacky had moved in with Brian. Everything seemed normal except they were missing Jimmy. They were making conversation about Waking The Fallen and Self Titled and throwing back some old memories while sipping on bottles of beer and laughing about all the fun times they had back in high school.


Brian's POV

Sitting around with my 3 best friends thinking about Jimmy has made me miss him so much. So much has happened since he passed away and to be honest I wish he was here was with us now. "Hey Zack, I need to use the loo, could you move for just a minute." Zacky looked up at me disappointed. I kissed him on the lips and told him I would be right back.

I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, suddenly I saw the reflection of Jimmy. I turned around to see if anything was behind me but there wasn't and then I looked back into the mirror. Was I going crazy? I shake my head and proceed to pee. I flush the toilet and wash my hands before I leave the bathroom. Suddenly I hear that same voice I heard a year ago. "No this can't be happening again." Suddenly Zacky appears from around the corner. "Bri, you okay" I hear him say.

Zacky's POV

Brian has been a while in the loo, I should really go and check on him, I say to myself. I get up from the garden chair and open the back door which leads into the kitchen. Suddenly I hear Brian's voice coming from the bathroom. "Bri, you okay?" I say with a a worried tone in my voice. "I-it's Jimmy, he won't leave me alone Zack." "What are you on about"? I question, probably knowing the answer. "Remember that time I was hearing them voices, well it just happened again, I'm scared Zack, I'm so scared." At this point Bri is sitting on the floor shaking with fear. I quickly run over to him and wrap my arms around him. "Hey listen, this is all probably in you head, maybe you've had too much to drink." Brian sighs and gets up.

We both head out of the loo and make our way outside to be with the others. "Woah Bri, what's up" I hear Johnny say with great concern. "Oh nothing, just drunk to much" I say. "I think we are going to call it a night so goodnight guys. I take Brian's hand and we walk up the stairs to the spare bedroom. We walk in and I close the door behind me. "I love you so much Zacky", Brian said to me as I laid down on the bed. "I love you more Bri and I always will."

The guys got into bed, all tucked up under the duvet and held each other in their arms. "I couldn't be more happier Zack. I hope I don't have any dreams about Jimmy talking to me." Zacky kissed Brian on the lips and responded "If you do Bri, just nudge me and wake me up. I don't want you to do this by yourself." With that Brian kissed Zacky on the lips once more and put his arm over Zacky's chest. Brian loved feeling the way Zacky breathed, so calm and gentle. He knew he would love this man for eternity.

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