Chapter 14; The Search Continues!

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"Zack come on, we have been walking around all day and I'm fucking tired and hungry, let's just go, he isn't here". Brian was starting to get fed up, so he started to walk back to the hotel. "Come on Zack, he's not fucking here." Zacky sighed and followed Brian back to the hotel. They went for some food and spent the rest of the evening chilling in the hotel room.
Zacky sat down and looked out the window. "Zack is everything alright? You've been so eager to find Johnny today." Zacky sighed once again. "Brian look, he loves Matt and I'm scared he is going to do something stupid. We have already lost Jimmy and I'm scared we are going to lose Johnny." Brian gave Zacky a peck on the lips. "Look, Johnny will be fine, he is most probably out with Jason Berry or something." Suddenly it clicked in Zacky's mind that Jason lived in Bat Country. "Bri, I know where Johnny is, since you said Jason, he will be at Jason's.

The guys quickly got out of the hotel and made their way towards Jason's. They started walking down the road towards Jason's. "Zacky, how are you so certain that Johnny is here?" "Bri I'm not, I just thought it would be a convenience that he would be here as that's the only place he has to go in Bat Country". The guys got to Jason's house and knocked on the door. Jason opened the door with a surprised look on his face. "Hey guys, what's up?" "Hey man, long time no speak." Zacky said. "Anyway the reason we are here is to ask you if Johnny has been staying with you, some things went on in California and I had a feeling he would be here?" Jason hesitated and then replied that he hadn't seen him. The guys said goodbye to Jason and made there way back to the hotel. "I swear when I see this motherfucker, I'm going to punch him in the face." "Woah Zack no, violence is not the answer, we need to find him and talk, no punching, no nothing."

Suddenly Zacky saw a shadow on the beach. Brian had to go pee so Zacky went to investigate. Too his surprise it was Johnny. "Well, well, well, look who it is, Mr Johnny Christ." Johnny suddenly froze and turned around to face Zacky. "Oh urm, hey Zack." Zacky grabbed him by the collar on his shirt. "Don't fucking hey Zack me, where the fuck have you been and why did you run off that night Matt had the car crash?" Johnny sighed and Zacky let go of him. "I had to go, I couldn't bare to see Matt all smashed up and everything, how's he doing?" "How's Matt? HE IS HEARTBROKEN JOHNNY, ABSOLUTELY HEARTBROKEN". Johnny suddenly lowered his head and started crying. "I hate knowing the fact Matt is heartbroken, I just wish I could do something to take the pain away from him." Johnny still had tears running down his cheeks. "Matt wanted to talk to you as you witnessed what happened but you ran off." "I-I'm so sorry".

Zacky and Johnny sat there for a while talking as they waited for Brian. "Zacky you know when I said I didn't love Matt and you said you would beat me up if I was lying? Well I kinda lied because I do love Matt." "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME, SERIOUSLY? WHY THE FUCK DID YOU LIE?" Zacky sounded even more pissed off. "Hey look I'm sorry, I didn't mean too, please don't beat me up." Zacky sighed and unclenched his fist. He sat back down on the sand looking out for Brian. Suddenly Zacky turned to Johnny about to speak, when Johnny surprisingly kissed Zacky's lips.

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