Chapter 15; Oh Shit!

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"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?" Brian shouted as he stepped closer to Zacky and Johnny. "Bri, it-it's not what it looks like." "Oh really Zacky, why didn't you just tell me you liked Johnny and not me anymore?" "Bri please, it wasn't me, Johnny came onto me, I would never cheat on you and you know that, you have to believe me." "Well I don't know what to believe anymore, is this why you've been wanting to find Johnny all day huh?" Johnny started backing away from Bri and Zack. "Where the fuck are you going, come here so I can punch the living daylights out of you." Brian grabbed hold of Johnny and punched him 3 times hard in the face. "BRIAN STOP" Zacky screamed. Zacky grabbed hold of Syn's fist and tried to part him from Johnny. Brian was too strong for Zacky and ended up punching his beloved boyfriend. "Don't fucking bother coming back tonight Zacky, I mean it." Brian stormed off in the direction of the hotel.

Brian got back to the hotel room and looked at his knuckles, still covered in Johnny's blood. "Fuck sake, why would Zacky do this to me, after everything I went through just to fucking get him". Brian sat on the bed and put his face into his hands. He shed a tear as suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Brian God damn it let me in". Brian knew that was Zacky but ignored the door. "Brian don't make me break this fucking door down, fucking let me in now." Brian sighed and opened the door to see Zacky with blood all over his hands and nose. "This is all your fault Brian" as Zacky pointed to his nose. "Well you shouldn't have kissed Johnny and tried to stop me from punching you, you know I'm stronger Zack". "That's not the fucking point, Johnny is still our brother and in our band and he kissed me, how many times do I have to say that." "Maybe we should kick him out, just a suggestion? Brian sniggered." "BRI ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS, WE ALREADY LOST JIMMY, THE BAND IS ALREADY ONE MEMBER DOWN, WE CANT BE TWO MEMBERS DOWN!"

Brian didn't say a word, he just sat there in silence. Zacky was cleaning up his nose and washing the blood off his hands. "Y'know Bri, you should probably wash Johnny's blood off your hands?" There was still no reply from him. Zacky poked his head round the corner of the door. "Bri? Are you okay?" The sound of whimpering came from him. "I'm so sorry Zacky, since The Rev died I haven't really been that happy. The day I heard you liked me back, I felt happy again because I had the love of my life, I'm sorry for being a terrible boyfriend." At this point Brian was in floods of tears. Zacky sat next to him and put his arm around him. "Bri this is hard for all of us, we all can't sleep properly because Jimmy has gone, Matt is in hospital right now, Johnny thinks yours and his brothership has gone down the drain and the stress of the new album being finished, we will all get through it slowly." "Zack you're right, I should apologise to Johnny but it wasn't right that he kissed you. He knows we are together, just why would he do it?" Zacky locked his lips onto Brian's as they had a passionate kiss. "See I do love you Bri and them words you said earlier hurt me more than the punch." "Zack let's not talk about it, I'm going to wash my hands and then get into bed."

Brian walked into the bathroom to wash his hands then looked into the mirror. All he could see was a monster within himself. Brian then walked back over to the bed and got undressed, Zacky was already in bed waiting for his beloved. Brian climbed into bed and laid down with his head on Zacky's chest and put his arm over Zacky's waist. "How do I deserve a man like you Zack?" Zacky kissed the top of Brian's head. "Because you are a beautiful, funny, kind hearted and sexy man." They both burst out laughing before falling asleep together.

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