Chapter 1; Nothing Will Be The Same Again!

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Brian's POV

I still can't believe Jimmy's gone, my best friend in the whole world just gone, an angel gone to heaven too soon and still had his whole life ahead of him. I sat back in my chair with a bottle of Jack Daniels in my hand and beer bottles all around me. I don't know what to do, I feel lost and numb, no one could possibly cheer me up. Except for one green eyed man, I had fallen for Zacky so much but I don't think he's gay and he would never like me back.

Suddenly my phone started ringing, I was hoping it would be Zacky but it wasn't. I looked at the caller ID to notice it was my dad. I pressed the decline button as I wasn't in the mood to talk. "You can't keep avoiding calls just because I'm not here anymore Bri". That voice sounded so familiar. "Jimmy?" It couldn't be, Jimmy's dead, it must just be all in my head. I got up and went to take some pain killers for this headache. I went to sit back on the sofa and I must of dosed off as when I woke up it was 10pm. "Did you have a nice sleep there Brian?" "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HEAD". I started crying as I missed my best friend, why him, why not me? I have nothing to live for, Jimmy did, he had EVERYTHING to live for. I weeped and weeped for hours, till my eyes couldn't drain anymore tears. I just went to bed and fell asleep wondering what tomorrow would bring!

Writers note; Hey guys, welcome to my new fic, Welcome To Bat Country! A Synacky Story! I have some awesome ideas for this story and I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. Sorry it's so short but it's just an opening chapter really but if you enjoy it, don't forget to hit the Vote button and don't be afraid to leave a comment. Rock on guys! ^__^

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