Chapter 22; Nightmare!

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Zacky's POV

We had just finished up our first show of the new tour and the fans showed amazing support as usual. There was a lot of tears as we dedicated all of our songs to Jimmy and obviously them not seeing him up there doing his thing set the crowd off.

We were back on the tour bus, ready to drive onto the next city. "Hey hot stuff" Brian said too me. "Bri, not now please, I'm trying to work on some lyrics for some upcoming songs". "Oh...but.." I cut Brian off completely. "No, go have a shower smelly". Brian looked at me with the face of the devil, if looks could kill, I would be dead right now. "Babe I'm only joking, I love you." "Whatever" Brian replied. I could have cried at the response Bri gave me but I know he was only joking. I will make it up to him when we get into London.


The guys were on the tour bus for a while until they hit London. Brian and Zacky were on Brian's bunk watching a horror film while Matt and Johnny had fallen asleep. "Guys, we're here" Brian said. "Zack, go wake Matt and Johnny up". "Oh hell no, I'm not going in there, I don't know what they're doing." "Zack stop being a wimp, just go." Zacky looked at Brian with an evil stare. "I love you Zack". Zacky stayed quiet and went to knock on the bedroom door. "Matt, Johnny, wake up, we are in London." Matt opened the door and Zacky was in complete shock. "MATT WHY ARE YOU NAKED?" "Calm down Zack, it's not like you haven't seen it before." "Just get some clothes on and tell Johnny to get up."

The guys got off the tour bus and made their way into the arena. "Oh I can't wait to get some food, I'm starving." "Zacky, you're always hungry man" Johnny replied. "Do you want to start a fight Gnome?" "Bring it then mate." "WILL YOU GUYS QUIT IT, WE HAVE A TOUR DATE TO DO." Matt was getting pissed off with everyone arguing. "Are we getting food or what?"


It was about 8pm and the last of the support acts. The guys were chilling out backstage. Matt was warming up his vocals while the others were going through the songs on their guitars and bass. "15 minutes guys, the tour manager said." "Sweet, this is going to be so good, London better be ready for us." "London is always ready for us, the fans here are ridiculously crazy" Johnny said. "Johnny's right" Matt said. Of course Matt would agree with Johnny. "So guys are we going to smash this show tonight or are we going to let London down" Brian said smiling. "5 minutes guys" said their tour manager. "Looks like we've got to go". They guys nodded and they all went to get their instruments and Matt got his mic. "LETS FUCKING ROCK THIS PLACE."

The guys all walked on stage, Brian first, then Zacky, then Johnny and last but not least Matt. Brian looked over at Zacky while Zacky looked at Johnny and Johnny looked at Matt. "HELLO LONDON, YOU READY TO ROCK WITH AVENGED SEVENFOLD?" Matt screamed down the mic. The crowd roared as they started playing 'Nightmare'.

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