Chapter 10; Something Weird Is Going On!

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*A week later*

"Zacky baby, have you seen my car keys, plus hurry up or we will late for my dads BBQ." Zacky walked down the stairs, as Brian turned round his bottom jaw hit the ground. " you get so fucking gorgeous" "Brian close your mouth for fuck sake, you're going to catch flies, plus your car keys are in my jacket next to Jimmy's." Brian searched in Zacky's pockets and handed him his jacket. "Ready?" "I've been ready for half an hour now Zack, now let's go." The trip to Brian's dads was quite a long trip and both Brian and Zacky hardly said anything to each other on the way there.

They pulled up in the driveway and got out of the car. "Bri you okay, you look slightly worried and you hardly spoke to me on the way here." "I'm going to tell you now Zack, I'm actually shitting myself, half of the people my parents know, doesn't even know I'm gay, let alone being with you, I'm so scared of what they are going to say." "Babe look at me, everything will be alright okay, now take my hand and let's go." Zacky gave Brian a peck on his lips and they both walked up to the front door. The door opened to see Brian's dad standing there. "Ahh here are my two favourite men, do come in, Matt and Johnny are in the garden.

Brian gave his dad a hug while Zacky fist pumped him. As they walked towards the garden, people kept staring at them as they were holding hands. "They need to stop looking at us" Brian whispered into Zacky's ear. "Dude chill for god sake, look Matt and Johnny are over there."

Brian and Zacky walked out into the garden to stand with Matt and Johnny. "Jesus what took you two so long?" "Brian couldn't find the car keys but then I told him to look in my jacket pocket and bingo, there they were." Brian blushed as he put on hand through his hair. "Do you guys want a beer then or are you just not going to have a drink?" Matt walked off to get Bri and Zack a drink. As Matt walked off, Zacky noticed Johnny staring at Matt's ass and giggling. "What's so funny Johnny? Checking Matt out are we?" Zacky blurted out. Brian nudged Zacky and raised an eyebrow. "What, no I wasn't looking at Matt, I was looking over near the pool where some girls were." Zacky looked at Brian and then back at Johnny. "Oh that's cool then dude, I thought you had something for Matt." Bri, Zack and Johnny stood there laughing but Zacky could tell something weird was going on.

Johnny's POV

Me, Brain and Zacky were standing around waiting for Matt to come back, just laughing and talking about random shit. I looked over towards the backdoor of the house to see Brian's dad walking out with some meat on a plate. "Yo guys, I'm going to get another drink, be back in a minute." As I walked into the kitchen I suddenly stopped in my tracks.

What the fuck was Val doing here and why was Matt talking to her? I walked over to Matt and placed my hand on his shoulder. "Matt, Brian and Zacky are waiting for their drinks y'know." "About that could you take these to them, I'm talking to Val" "Bu-" Matt cut me off mid sentence. "Fine, I will go take these to Bri and Zack." I turned round and started walking towards Bri and Zack who were just talking about some relationship stuff. The thought of Matt talking to that bitch again made me want to throw up.

"Yo Johnny, where's Matt?" Brian asked. "Oh he is talking to Val, y'know the one who broke up with him." "What the actual fuck, she broke his heart and now he's talking to her, what?" Zacky blurted out. The next thing I knew Matt came walking out with a massive smile on his face. "What the fuck are you smiling about?" I asked. "Well me and Val were talking and we both agreed that we missed each other, so we are kinda....." "Back together?" I said with a firm voice. "Yes we are Johnny." At that moment I felt my heart break in two, I loved Matt so much but he obviously didn't give a shit about me. "How the fuck can you be back with her, after everything she done to you? She broke your fucking heart dude, open your eyes and realise that." Zacky looked at Brian with a raised eyebrow. "Y'know what Brian, you should be fucking happy for me, I helped you get with Zack so don't fucking start telling me what to do."

"Woah, woah guys this has gone to far now." I interrupted. "Let's just enjoy the rest of the night yes?" Zack said. Well I will try considering there's a possibility I can see the person I love back with their bitch of an ex, I thought to myself. I love that man so much but how can I tell him how I really feel?

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