Chapter 12

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Batman: Bad Blood 2014
Chapter 12 - Rejoining the Family

"Like his mentor, he has taken the form of his own worst fear..." - Narrator of Red Hood: Lost Days comic


2009, Crime alley

Batman: "Pf...- Hahahaha."

After laughing, Batman slowly approuches the little boy, who is slowly taking steps back with fear.

As Batman stands infront of him, talling him in hight, he raises his hand towards him. Little boy thinking his going to hit him closes his eyes, but hit never came, but he felt a hand on his shoulder. Little boy opens his eyes and now stares at the Dark Kingt who is now kneelling, so they are now on same eye hight.

Batman: "I'm only going to ask you this once. So give some serious thought to your answer..."

???: "W-what?... "

Little boy asks shakingly. Then Batman makes the biggest smirk he ever has.

 Then Batman makes the biggest smirk he ever has

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Batman: "... Are you hungry?"

Little boy hesitantly nods.

Batman: "Can I know your name?"

???: "Y-Y/N..."

Batman: "Then Y/N, help me get wheels back."


Batman: "Slow down, Y/N. You're going to lose a finger."

Batman warned little boy now known as Y/N as they were eating hambugers on the Batmobile, over looking Gotham from the little mountain near city.

Y/N: "Sorry. (mrch mch) This is the closest thing to a home-cooked meal I've had since...I had a home."

He says sadly, but returns his look on the city.

Y/N: "Funny. I was here once. Looking for Wayne Manor. Trying to case the place, but I got lost."

Batman: "Why do you think It's okay to steal things from people?"

Batman asked, curious about the boys determination he has.

Y/N: "You kidding me? Look at this view. Freaking" Billionare playboy" thinks he's king of the world. pfft."

Y/N said as he took another bite of his hamburger.

Batman: "Sometimes you just have to give people a chance, Y/N. They'll usually surprise you."

Batman said before taking the bite off his hamburger as Y/N thought to himself of Dark Kingt's words.

2 weeks later, Night

Dark Love: Male Red Hood Reader X Raven - DCAMU FanficWhere stories live. Discover now