Chapter 1 Part 1

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Mia's Pov

We were in the meeting room and had yet another meeting. We've been having them a lot in the past six months since Andy and Lauren left.

"Okay, so the Inner Circle has been silent for five months. Why are we still paying such close attention to them?" Cameron asked. He had come back from Baltimore a couple of weeks after Andy and Lauren left. I asked him to help me look for them so he had to sit in on the meetings with me to know what's going on.

"Just because they don't seem active doesn't mean they aren't," Lorna said.

Cameron sighed. The adults started talking about whatever their theory was about what the Inner Circle is doing. I get that it's important and stuff but I wanted to share the stuff that I wanted to talk about. I think I found a lead about Andy and Lauren.

"There have been more reports of dead people coming back to life. So the Inner Circle is still active; they're still there, just hiding." Marcos said. "I've been reading some of the reports from Sentinel Services that we can find and all of the ones that say that people that were dead came back they just assume that they were never dead. The government isn't aware of this person at all."

"No duh, the government knows basically nothing," I said. Seriously they know nothing.

"Maybe we should tip them off about that mutant," Caitlin suggested.

"And risk them finding us? No way" Esme said.

"That's fair," Caitlin said. She turned to me, "Have you found any new leads about Andy and Lauren?"

"Yes actually. Cameron and I checked out a lead the other day and that gave me a couple of leads to look into. I'm going to start looking into them later tonight." I said.

Caitlin nodded. "That's good."

She's been worried about her kids ever since they left. It's understandable, but sometimes she hovered over me when I was trying to find leads. It got annoying but I dealt with it because she's their mom, but she gets overly worried a lot.

The others finished up the meeting and John came over to me. "Hey, do you need help checking out the leads?"

"No, they probably won't actually lead anywhere. It's fine. It probably won't lead anywhere anyway, they rarely do," I said. John had been coming with me to look for Andy and Lauren ever since he came back after helping out in Baltimore.

"Okay, I have to go help Marcos with getting some new refugees from the Morlocks," he said as he left.

"You know I don't even know why we're still looking for them. They clearly don't want to be found." Cameron said as we got up.

"I know but we can't give up. They're my friends and the longer they stay out there the closer Sentinel Services gets to catching them. Besides what about their mom? I don't even know what she would do if we just stopped looking." I said. I wanted to find them but sometimes it just seemed impossible.

John's Pov

I was in one of the vans with Marcos heading to pick up some new refugees from the Morlocks. Erg had a group to send over to us.

"John, how are you doing," Marcos asked me while he drove. I hadn't been okay since Clarise died. I've been getting through it but some days it was all just too much. Even though she has been dead for well over a year now, it still feels fresh.

"I'm fine, brother," I said.

"You sure? You've been more distant than usual lately," he said.

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