Chapter 7 Part 3

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Andy's Pov

I opened my eyes and looked around confused, I wasn't in the underground anymore. I blinked and slowly regained my bearings and realized I was laying on my back. I groaned as I tried to sit up. My head hurt like hell.

I sat up my hand on my head gently holding my temple. I glanced around as the pain faded finally noticing my surroundings, it was just endless nothingness, like grey everything. It was weird. I looked to my right and saw Lauren sprawled in a similar state to how I was when I woke up. It hit me, this was a dream.

I quickly moved over to her and shook her shoulder, whispering her name trying to get her to wake up. She groaned softly and coughed as she opened her eyes.

"Andy?" She whispered as she looked at me.

I smiled as I helped her sit up, "Hey, it's me."

"Where are we?" she asked, gripping my forearm tightly.

I shrugged and looked around, "I don't know, I think some weird dream place our minds made up."

"Weird." she said glancing around before pulling me into her arms and hugging me tightly, "I've missed you.

"I miss you too," I said as I hugged her.

"Andy, I think I killed someone." She said softly, pulling away.

"What do you mean, you think?" I asked, looking at her in concern.

"I don't know. It's all fuzzy," she said, her hands shaking as she shook her head with a far-off look in her eyes, "There was this girl who was hurting me. They had been blocking my powers with this drug, similar to what we used for Dad before he died. I think It must have been wearing off. I just got so angry and my power just kind of exploded out of me and I held her up against a wall with my shields and I was going to a disk to just hurt her, I don't think I meant to kill her but by then the guards had figured out what was happening and gapped my arm making me miss. I think I decapitated her. Then everything went black."

As Lauren finished explaining what happened a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Hey, it's okay. Everything will be fine. I just have to find a way to get you out of there." I said gently.

"How? We don't even know how long this dream will last before they drug me again." She said, her voice shaking.

"I don't know yet. I'll figure it out." I said, then paused getting an idea, "Do you know where you are, what prison?"

"No, all I know is it sucks," she said her face hardening.

I pressed my lips together a tear rolling down my cheek, "I'll get you out. I promise."

All of a sudden Lauren winced and her hand went to her neck and she looked up at me, eyes wide.

"Andy..." She started it before she could finish, the world went black.

I gasped as I opened my eyes and sat up instantly gripping the necklace Lauren and I had found in New Orleans. I was in the medical room. I quickly swung my legs off the bed and tried to stand up. I needed to find out where Lauren was and get her out of that prison. She looked so scared in that dream.

"Andy, are you okay?" Mom asked, moving to my side and pushing me back onto the bed. "You shouldn't try to stand up so fast. You passed out."

"I'm fine, Mom." I said, trying to regain my bearings, "I need to go do something."

"No, you are staying right here. You passed out," she said sternly.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm fine really."

"I don't care. You passed out, you are staying," she said as I glared at her. She started grabbing things off one of the tables in the corner, maybe if I moved fast enough she wouldn't have enough time to stop me from leaving.

"Lorna said that before you passed out you said something about Lauren. What did you feel?" she asked before I could do anything.

I looked down, I didn't want to tell her about the dream. That felt private, it was something that only happened to Lauren and me, and no one else needed to know about it.

I took a deep breath, "I just felt pain and anger. That was it." I said. It was technically the truth, that was what I felt before the dream.

Mom looked disappointed, "That's it."

I nodded. I wasn't telling her about that dream.

She sighed, "Well at least it's something, right."

"Yeah," I said halfheartedly, my mind already starting to wander back to how I was going to find Lauren.

Lauren's Pov

I felt like I got hit by a bus. Everything hurt, My head mostly but there was at least a little pain everywhere. I took a deep breath and slowly opened my eyes but instantly closed them again. Why did everywhere have to have such bright lights? I closed them again and took a deep breath. I tried to reach for my powers but just like I suspected I couldn't feel them anymore.

I tried to figure out where I was while my eyes were still closed. I wasn't in my cell that's for sure but all I could feel was a hard, cold surface on my back and straps around my wrists and ankles, and maybe one on my waist, I couldn't tell if it was a restraint or just the waistband of my pants.

I slowly opened my eyes and looked around, I was surrounded by lab equipment. My heart slowed, what were they going to do to me? I swallowed and focused on the ceiling, trying to keep my breathing steady. I tried to wriggle my hand out of the strap holding it down but it was too tight. I eventually gave up.

After that, I just waited, trying to keep calm until I heard the door open somewhere behind me. Someone walked over to the left side of the table that I was strapped to. I looked up to see Jace Turner looking way too happy staring down at me.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" He said smiling.

I glared at him, "Isn't that a little cliche to say?"

"Maybe for a villain but I saved the human race," he said.

"Not yet you haven't. Now, why am I here?" I said glaring at him.

"Well, letting the other prisoners help punish you didn't work out like we hoped, so we're trying something. There is a very nice doctor who is very curious about how your powers work, so we made a deal. He can do whatever he wants as long as it's painful." he said as my eyes slowly widened as I absorbed what he said. 

*Little bonus chapter here! It was too short for a normal posting day so I figured I'd just post it now. I hope you enjoyed it. I've been having serious writer's block lately and only have two more weeks worth of uploads to post but school ends in a week and a half so hopefully, I'll have more time to write and get out of this stupid writer's bock headspace. I should be able to finish another chapter before I run out of stuff but I'm letting you all know just in case.*

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