Chapter 9 Part 1

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Lauren's Pov

The room went into chaos as an explosion sounded. Everyone around me was running around frantically trying to figure out what to do. I was just laying on the table. I was strapped to trying to wiggle my right wrist out of its restraint. It wasn't going well. I had only been trying for a minute or two but I had already rubbed my wrist raw on the restraints.

I stopped trying as hard when a guard walked closer to me. He was talking on his radio, his eyes darting frantically between me and the door.

"A mutant is attacking the prison, he already got through the perimeter guards. We need backup now!" the person on the other side of the radio said desperately.

I paused, stopping to look at the guard as his terrified expression turned to horror.

"You don't mean.." he said trailing off as his comrade on the other end of the radio suddenly screamed and went quiet. The guard looked at Carla Jackson having no idea what to do.

Carla pressed her lips together and turned to Aiden, "the medicine that stops her from using her powers, I need you to give her another dose"

I instantly stopped trying to get out of my restraints. If they gave me another dose I wouldn't be able to use my powers at all for at least 24 hours. That couldn't happen.

Aiden nodded and started to walk over to a table with some glass vials on it. Just as he picked up a syringe the whole room started shaking. Everyone around me started looking around the room in fear but I just smiled. I loved that they had no idea what was happening but I did. One of the guards walked over to the door. He stood in front of the door with his gun pointed at it. He held his ground as the room started shaking more and the doors flew off the hinges and hit the guard, sending him flying backward.

I smiled as Andy walked in, his eyes instantly finding mine. He quickly used his powers to take out all of the other guards in the room, pushing them into various walls and shelves. He paused when he saw Carla Jackson.

"Andrew, you don't have to do this. If you just turned yourself in, I'm sure-" Carla started before Andy cut her off.

"Turn myself in? Are you crazy? They'll kill us. The only reason Sentinel Services kept Lauren alive this long is because they wanted to lure me here." he said, "Unfortunately for them, they underestimated how destructive I was when I was pissed off."

"Andrew, please..." she pleaded.

Andy rolled his eyes and used his powers to push her into a shelf causing it to fall over. She didn't get up.

Andy quickly walked over to me, ignoring Aiden who was still cowering behind a desk.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"I will be," I said smiling, "Now can you untie me."

"Right, that, sorry," he said quickly, starting to undo the restraint on my arm.

He got it off after a few minutes of struggling. It was complicated apparently with three different ways of securing it. He got the strap on my stomach off quicker because now he knew how to undo the straps. I could sit up after he did that and got the strap off of my other wrist as he did my ankles.

I got up as soon as all of the straps holding me to the table and instantly hugged Andy. He found me, he did it, he saved me. I smiled while desperately holding him as a few tears rolled down my face.

"You're okay, right?" he asked, pulling away so he could look at me.

I nodded, wiping away the tears that had fallen on my cheeks, "Yeah, I'm fine now."

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