Chapter 5 Part 1

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Lorna's Pov

"How do we be parents?" I asked Marcos. He was laying down on the bed next to me.

He sighed, "I don't know. Before everything that happened with the Inner Circle, before we found out about Trask, I think, I asked Reed how he figured out how to be a parent. He said that he still hadn't. He just loved them and figured it out from there."

I smiled a little, "I don't think Reed ever figured it out."

"No, no he did not," Marcos said laughing, "But he managed to raise two awesome kids."

"I guess he must have figured it out at least a little," I said. "Maybe I should ask Caitlin or even Leah. She looks after all of the little kids without their parents here."

"Yeah, her and Esme. Cait sometimes helps but she gets pretty busy with the medical stuff and she's always distracted, worrying about her kids," he said as he put his arm around me and I snuggled closer to his chest.

I laughed a little, "I think we're all pretty worried about them. I mean, Lauren got arrested. Who knows what they're doing to her there."

"She's tough. She'll be okay until we can get her out. I'm more worried about Andy. He's been so stressed since Lauren got arrested. He barely even talks to anyone." he said.

"Yeah," I said quietly. I sat up and walked over to Dawn's crib. She was sleeping peacefully. "I'm just so tired of this all, the fighting, the constant worry, all of it. I just want to have a normal life and raise my baby."

Marcos walked over, "Hopefully someday we get that life but for right now let's just be happy that we're together."

"Let's just hope it stays that way," I said, thoughts starting to go through my head. Those what-if thoughts that just make you want to curl up in a ball and worry about something that's probably never going to even happen.

"It will, we'll get Lauren out of jail and if everything goes right maybe we could go Alaska or something, somewhere secluded, and raise our daughter. Maybe another kid or two," he said. poking me in the side.

I smiled for a second but it disappeared quickly, "Maybe, but I don't want to leave the underground."

"Maybe we could bring some Mutants with us. Build our own community out in the forest." Marcos suggested.

"Maybe," I said before twisting around in his arms and kissing him, "But first let's just figure out parenting."

"Okay. We go to bed, it's almost three in the morning and I'm pretty sure it's a lot easier to parent when you've had a full night's sleep," he said smiling.

Just then Dawn started crying. I sighed and turned around, "Apparently, sleep is not in the cards for us tonight." I said as I picked up Dawn.

Marcos laughed, "Apparently not."

John's Pov

"Is Eva still causing problems?" Esme said as she walked into the meeting room.

"Yeah," I said nodding, "She keeps trying to listen in on meetings or talk bad about the underground. She even tried to convince a few people to leave."

Esme sat down on the chair in front of me, "So what are you going to do about it?"

"I have no idea," I said there weren't very many options to pick from, "I could ask her to leave the station but she knows where this place is and she could tell someone and we can't let that happen."

"Of course you can't let anyone know about your secret underground facility that could help a lot more people if you simply just told them where this place was and let them in," Eva said from the door where she had apparently been listening.

"Eva now isn't really a good time for this," Esme said, trying to be gentle.

Eva glared at us, "It's never a good time."

"That's because you always seem to pop up at the worst possible time," I said.

Esme leaned over to me and whispered, "She's like a gopher."

I glanced at Esme and smiled a little before turning back to Eva trying to keep a straight face, "Look Eva we have a lot going on right now."

"Oh so keeping mutants safe isn't your biggest priority. There are people out there dying," she said.

"We know. We're trying to stop it and help mutants but we can't be everywhere at once." Esme said.

"You could at least try. Half of my friends have died or have been arrested in the two months that I've been here. I knew they were in danger and I couldn't help them. I wasn't allowed to leave because I know where this place is. Just because you're scared doesn't mean the rest of us are." Eva said.

"We're not scared Eva, just cautious. We've had one too many experiences with this type of stuff so we tend to be overly cautious about these types of things. We can't just have people doing whatever they want." I said.

"Oh like the clearly mentally unstable teenager who's killed a bunch of people, because he definitely follows all of your rules," she said.

"Andy is... special. It's best to just let him do what he wants right now. His sister got arrested, he's not taking it very well." Esme said.

Eva scoffed, "Yeah well my sister's dead but yeah sucks for him. At least his sister's still alive."

Eva glared at us and left.

I looked at Esme, my eyes wide, "Did you know about that?"

Esme shook her head still looking at the door. "No, she never said anything about it"

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