Chapter 6 Part 2

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Lorna's Pov

"I'm sorry you did what?" I said. We were in the meeting room and Mia and Andy were telling us what happened when they idiotically decided to break into a Sentinel Services officer's house.

"Relax Lorna, no one saw us," Andy said.

"That's not what I'm worried about. Andy, you killed someone." I said.

Andy sighed and looked at his feet, "I know but it's not like I can do anything about that now so I don't know what you want from me."

"A little remorse would be nice," I said. 

Andy rolled his eyes. But before he could say anything John started talking, "did he at least tell you anything?"

"No," Mia said talking for the first time since she and Andy walked in, "he basically just told us to go to hell."

"Great. So you went into public, broke into a Sentinel Services officer's house, and killed him and we don't know anything more than we did before you decided to do that. " Marcos said from his place behind my chair.

"Pretty much and I'm no closer to finding Lauren than I was before," Andy said.

"Are you insane?" I started intending to continue but was interrupted. 

"Yes," Andy said, glaring at me. 

Before anyone could say anything else the door banged open and I whipped my head around to the door and Eva was standing there.

"Who the hell are you and what do you want?" Andy said clearly pissed that Eva was interrupting the meeting.

"Ah right you don't like talking about the issues with the underground and those who bring them up," Eva said glaring at John.

"Eva we're a little busy," John said.

"I don't care about you. I care that people are suffering and you don't see it. There's not enough food here or water or blankets. There are no supplies anywhere, trust me I went through every storage room I could find anything." Eva said a tear running down her face, "But all you are talking about in this stupid meeting how to find your friend who you are probably never going to find."

As soon as she finished her sentence she was thrown backward into the wall by an invisible force. I whipped my head around to look at Andy. He was glaring at her with an expression on his face that I could only describe as pure rage. He wasn't holding back at all like he normally does.

"Andy! What are you doing?" I said as I jumped out of my chair and ran over to him.

He didn't answer and just kept staring at Eva as she struggled to breathe her feet just barely skimming the floor.

"Andy stop!" Mia said walking over quickly and grabbing his arm and forcing it down.

Andy turned and looked to her, "Why did you do that."

"Because you could have killed her Andy," She said watching him with a worried expression.

"Whatever," he said as he brushed past her and left slamming the door behind him.

Mia looked like she half wanted to follow him and half didn't but she looked back at Eva who was still on the floor breathing heavily and walked out the door after him

"What the hell?" Marcos said under his breath as he walked past me to make sure Eva was alright.

Eva stood up brushing away Marcos's attempt to help, "And you have a clearly mentally unstable teenager who's aloud to whatever he wants. When you actually decide that you want to open your eyes and see what's wrong in this place I'm here to talk about it but until then please get your crap together."

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