Chapter 7 Part 2

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Lorna's Pov

I was walking down the hallway towards the cell we were keeping Andy in. I felt bad about keeping him in there, it probably brought back painful memories about what happened at Trask, but it was the only place that could stop his powers in the base.

I sighed as I got to the door. I just stood there for a second thinking of what I would say to him if I would apologize or not. He was like a little brother to me, I wanted to protect him and that included from himself but I didn't know how to explain that. I didn't think that he would be all that accepting of an apology at the moment. Maybe he didn't deserve one, he was in the wrong, we were just responding to his actions.

I shook my head and unlocked the door and opened it cautiously half expecting to be hit by his powers as soon as I opened the door.

Andy was just sitting in the far corner staring at the floor, his arm resting on one of his knees.

"What do you want," He said, barely even glancing at me.

"You can come out now," I said.

He just kept staring at the floor, "What's the point you're all scared of me anyway."

"We're not scared of you Andy, just worried about you that's all," I said gently, taking a step inside the room.

"We both know that's a lie. Everyone here is scared of me. Lauren and I have known that for months." Andy said as he stood up, "It's why we left. It's why we didn't plan on coming back."

He tried to brush past me walking out the door but I grabbed his arm stopping him, "What were you planning on doing all by yourselves for the rest of your lives? Keep running, hoping sentinel services never catch up?"

"Yeah, I guess and getting answers," Andy said simply

"Answers about what?" I asked my brow furrowed.

"Our powers Our family. Everything," he said like it was the most obvious answer in the world.

"Andy, we can help you," I said gently.

"Yeah right and lock me in your prison cell again," he said rolling his eyes walking past me into the hallway. I started to follow him but noticed he stopped a couple of feet away from the door. He was staring at the floor with a strange look on his face.

"Andy are you okay?" I said.

He didn't respond, instead falling to his knees, his arms moving to his neck as he fell.

"Andy!" I said quickly moving to the ground next to him and grabbing his arm, "What's wrong?"

"Lauren, something's wrong with Lauren," he said his eyes wide. All of a sudden his eyes rolled back in his head and he slumped to the ground unconscious.

"Andy! Wake up!" I said shaking him. What did he mean something was wrong with Lauren. I thought he said that the connection between them was cut off That it wasn't working.

Mia all of a sudden appeared next to me, "What happened?" she asked frantically.

"Get Caitlin," I said.

Mia nodded and disappeared in a cloud of shadows. I turned back to Andy. What the hell was happening?

Lauren's Pov

I don't know why these stupid guards keep forcing me to go outside. I was perfectly happy to just sit in my cell and stare at the wall like a normal mutant prisoner, but no I just had to go outside and get tortured. Why couldn't they just leave me alone?

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