Chapter 8 Part 2

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Andy's Pov

I found the name of the prison they were keeping Lauren in, the cell block, everything. Everything I needed to know was recorded in this binder. I had everything I needed written down on a piece of paper I had torn from one of my sketchbooks. I quickly looked up the directions to the prison on the computer I was borrowing from Mia and wrote them down on the other side of the page.

I smiled, finally, I could get Lauren out of that prison. It took me almost a whole month to find her but I was going to get her out today. I smiled.

I quickly paged through the section that talked about where she was and the security of the area. There were a lot of guards, more than there normally would be, probably because they put Lauren there so they needed to have a guard near her at all times.

Maybe I should ask someone to come with me. No, if I asked anyone to come and they got hurt it would be my fault. I'd be fine by myself. Once I got Lauren we'd be fine anyway.

I paged through the binder one more time just to make sure I didn't miss anything. I was almost through the whole binder when a page fell out. I bent down to pick it up when I noticed this page looked different. It wasn't typed up like the others, this one was handwritten.

The handwriting was messy like whoever wrote it was in a hurry. I frowned but read it anyway. The further down the page I got the more my heart slowed. They had moved Lauren to a different part of the prison. The same day we had the dream.

The part of the prison they moved her to wasn't listed anywhere online, it wasn't on any blueprints, nothing. It was like it didn't exist.

I took a deep breath and stuffed the paper I had found along with my notes into my backpack and headed for the door. I'll find her. I have to. It will be fine, right?

Mia's Pov

Andy's been acting weird ever since he came back from wherever he went yesterday. He hasn't left his room all day.

I was walking down the hallway towards his room just to check on him and maybe see if he wanted to hang out. He probably wouldn't want to. He's barely even talked to me since Lauren got arrested. He's barely talked to anyone for that matter. I sighed, he probably would just tell me to go away. If he told me to go away, oh well, I walked all the way down here already. Might as well just knock.

I knocked on the door and just stood there for a second before Andy opened the door. He was smiling.

"Mia," he said, "What's up"

"What's got you in a good mood? I haven't seen you smile in a while," I said. "Did you find something about where Lauren is?"

"Yeah, I did," Andy said motioning for me to come in. He looked excised and had dark circles under his eyes.

I slowly walked into the room noting the clutter scattered everywhere. Andy was over at the desk and grabbed a binder. He handed it to me as I walked over and sat on the desk.

I slowly opened in to see just a bunch of conversations recorded.

"What is this?" I asked him as I slowly page through the binder skimming it.

"Recorded conversations of what the Sentinel Services was talking about the day that Lauren got arrested" he walked over to me and flipped to the back of the binder, "and this is the day me...uh, I passed out."

I nodded. "You found out where she was. Didn't you?"

Andy smiled and nodded.

"Okay, when are we going?" I said closing the binder.

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