Chapter 2 Part 1

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John's Pov

Mia had run into headquarters, black blood streaming down her face from her nose, saying she needed help. She explained what happened, Andy was still unconscious, she needed help. She didn't even know what happened to Lauren after she left.

I was walking down the hallway, heading to the medical room. Caitlin had been looking after Andy there. Mia said he was conscious at the park after he got hit for a little but he hadn't woken up since they got here. Caitlin thought that he had a concussion, along with getting hit with lightning.

I turned a corner and saw Eva, one of the new refugees standing in front of the meeting room door.

"John, I was meaning to talk to you." She said as she saw me.

I brushed past her, I didn't have time for this, "I can't right now Eva."

"I just had some questions about how everything was run." She said running to keep up with my pace, "It won't take long. How do you make sure the cops don't find us? How do you get supplies for everyone? How do you know where to find mutants to help? How do you know that you can trust everyone here?"

I stopped walking and turned to face her, "Eva I'm sorry but I don't have time today to answer your questions. I'm sure someone who had been here for a while would love to. Now I have to go." I said before walking away.

I glanced back at her as I headed to the medical room. She was still standing where I left her glaring at me. I shook my head, I needed to focus.

I saw Mia standing outside the medical room. She walked over when she saw me, "Andy still hasn't woken up but I found something about Lauren. She got arrested, the news is having a field day with it."

"Well, now we know what happened to her. Can you find where she's being held?" I asked as I peeked into the medical room. Caitlin was sitting in a chair next to where Andy was laying, still unconscious.

"I can try, but I doubt that the cops would let any articles be published about where she is being held. They know that Andy will go after her," she said.

"I know, but we have to try right," I said.

"Right," she said, giving me a small smile before she walked back into the medical room.

Mia's Pov

I was sitting in the medical room on a chair in the corner of the room. I was going through articles trying to find where they were holding Lauren after she got arrested but I hadn't found anything yet. There were thousands of articles and it had only been a few hours. Going through each article was going to take days. Especially because it seemed like two more articles were published every time I finished reading one.

"Find anything yet?" Caitlin said stopping pacing for a minute.

"Not yet. I might find something, but don't get your hopes up." I said as I finished reading an article.

"Okay, just let me know if you do," she said pressing her lips together.

I nodded and went to go click on another article. This one was titled, 'One of the terrorists responsible for destroying Sentinel Services headquarters arrested.' I got halfway through the first paragraph before I had to stop. It was just so aggravating to read a bunch of people calling your friend a mass-murdering terrorist. I mean, It was true, but it was still annoying. 

I sighed and turned off my computer. I needed to take a break or else I would go insane. I pulled out the necklace that Lauren gave me before I teleported. It was beautiful and it seemed like it was made out of gold, pure gold. If it was as old as Genevieve said it would have to be or else it would have been tarnished by now.

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