Chapter 3 Part 2

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Andy's Pov

Mom kept trying to talk to me and I kept ignoring her. I didn't want to talk to her. I didn't want to be here really. I wanted to do this alone. I wasn't exactly a team player anymore. The only person I worked well with was Lauren and that wasn't really an option right now.

I looked out the window of the car at the other cars speeding past. I could hear Mia and Cameron talking quietly in the backseat, I didn't care what they were talking about as long as they didn't try to involve me in their conversation.

I closed my eyes, I tried focusing on the connection between me and Lauren. I could feel it there but I wasn't feeling anything from it, nothing. Like it was turned off, there but not working. It was terrifying. I had no idea what was happening to Lauren, what they were doing to her, anything. It's been two days, she should have done something to let me know she was okay, maybe even where she was but I had nothing.

"We're almost there. Probably five more minutes." Mom said as well pulled onto another road. I recognized the area we were in, we were somewhere near Atlanta.

I nodded then looked back out the window.

Mom started talking to me again, "Dany posted on his Facebook that he was going fishing at the place he used to take you and Scott fishing. Hopefully, we can cut him off there before he-"

I cut her off not wanting to talk, "Okay."

Mom sighed and glanced in her rearview mirror, "Mia, Cameron are you ready?"

They both nodded. Mia pulled out a gun and handed it to Cameron.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" He asked, taking the gun gingerly.

"Hopefully nothing," Mia said, "But it's better to be prepared than die."

"That's fair," Cameron said laughing slightly.

I tuned them out after that. I didn't feel like paying attention to them anymore. I stared out the window looking at the familiar roads until we got to the river where Uncle Danny would hopefully be.

Lauren's Pov

I didn't know where they were taking me. I was in a transport surrounded by at least a dozen guards. I swear, they stopped my powers from working, put a collar around my neck, tied me up, and they still think I'm dangerous. Like dude come on, I'm just a normal 19-year-old girl with PTSD without my powers. I'm not freaking dangerous.

I felt the transport slow down then stop. One of the guards got up and pointed their gun at me, "Time to move" he said.

I looked up at him, "is pointing a gun at me really necessary"

He shifted nervously but didn't respond.

"Right, you're all scared of a little girl. Who, by the way, can't even use her powers even without this collar around my neck" I said sitting back in my seat.

"We're taking this precaution Ms. Strucker because you are highly dangerous and killing over two thousand people in less than five seconds." Jace Turner said standing in the doorway of the transport.

I rolled my eyes. That's what they focus on sure, something I a, didn't want to do and b, something I can't even do without Andy. Yeah, that makes sense.

Jace Turner nodded at the guards and left. Two guards roughly grabbed my arms pulling me to my feet. I'm pretty sure that they left bruises on my arms. They practically pushed me down the stairs leading out of the transport. The only reason I didn't fall is that they were still holding my arms.

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