Chapter 9 Part 2

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Mia's Pov

I walked into the prison having no idea where I was going. I was just following the destruction. I turned down a couple of hallways looking around trying to find some clue of where Andy might have gone. I walked a couple more feet before I came to a door frame that the door was no longer attached through. I was probably on the right path.

I cautiously walked into another hallway. I had an arrow already knocked on my bowstring. This hallway was strangely empty. Every other hallway had at least one guard in it. I looked into a doorway. It looked like an office. I paused wondering if there would be any useful documents that the underground could use. Before I could decide what to do I heard something behind me.

I whipped around quickly pointing an arrow at whoever was there. There was a black, bald guy standing there pointing a gun at me. He had weird metal stuff on his arms, one of his legs, and on the right side of his face.

I fired my arrow at him but he sidestepped out of the way. I fired another one but he caught it.

"What the hell?" I whispered to myself.

The man smiled, "You must be one of the Strucker's friends. How cute. Coming to try and help."

"Try, isn't exactly the word I would use in this situation," I said shifting backward a few inches. There was a door a couple of feet behind me. If I could just distract this dude enough to get to it.

"Well, it is the correct term. So where are your friends?" He said.

I glared at him slowly inching backward hoping he wouldn't notice, "like I would tell you."

"Well, you better or else I'm going to shoot you," he said motioning with his gun.

I paused for a moment not sure what to do. On the one hand, I could just run to the door and save my energy for later but risk getting shot and I had a feeling that this guy wouldn't miss. I could also just teleport onto the other side of the door and risk not having enough energy for later.

Screw it. I bolted for the door. I wrenched the door open just as a sharp pain went through my side. I didn't even stop to see where the bullet hit me.

I just managed to close the door behind me as two more shots rang out hitting the door. I could see the indentations where the bullets had hit. I frantically locked the door and backed away, knocking an arrow on my bow.

I backed away from the door breathing heavily. What was I going to do? I didn't know where I was going and I didn't think that this was a fight I was going to win. I quickly looked around and saw that I was in a cell block. There were tables in between the two rows of cells. If there was a fight here I wasn't going to have enough mobility to move the way I needed to.

I winced as a bolt of pain went through my side at my ribs. I gently put my hand where the pain was and it came away bloody. I took a deep breath and looked around some more. I'd deal with that later.

Most of the inmates were silently staring at me. I looked around the rest of the room and saw a rafter that I should be able to teleport onto. I looked back at the door one more time before stepping into the shadows right as I heard the lock break and the door fly open.

Andy's Pov

Lauren and I decimated the prison as we went through. Neither of us had any idea where we were going. We were just kind of wandering through the halls injuring or killing (we had no idea if they survived our attacks or not) any guard we saw.

"If we make it to the cell they held me in before they moved me to that lab I think I might know a way to get out," Lauren said as we cautiously moved through a hallway.

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