Chapter 1 Part 3

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Mia's Pov

I had just gotten off the bus in Hopewell, Tennessee. The bus stop was in a deserted area with only a small gas station near it. I sighed, small towns in the middle of nowhere suck. Especially when it's past midnight and you haven't slept in 24 hours.

I sighed and started to walk over to the gas station to get a bag of chips or something to eat. I walked in the shadows staying out of the light until I had to go into the light of the streetlamp to get inside the gas station. I walked over to the aisle with snacks and started looking for whatever the cheapest item was.

I had just selected my bag of off-brand chips when I heard voices coming from the aisle behind me, "I just got a text telling us the location, they're at the town's park."

"The Frost's better not be wrong about this or I'm gonna be pissed, they made us come all the way out here."

The Frost sisters? That's never good.

"Relax, they'll be here. Besides, maybe we'll get to figure out how they destroyed one of the people you brought back."

"Honestly I'm not too keen on figuring that out. They destroyed her, like disintegrated destruction. Everyone I bring back should be immortal until I release them."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe I'll actually get to kill someone today. I haven't gotten to do that in a while."

Both voices laughed.

I couldn't pinpoint it but the last voice sounded familiar. I had no idea who they were but if the frosts were involved it couldn't be anything good. They could be after Andy and Lauren, this is where Genevieve said they would be. I just needed to get to them before anyone else.

They said that whoever they were after was at the town's park which wasn't too far away so I decided that was a good place to start looking. Even if they weren't looking for Andy and Lauren maybe I could help whoever they were after getaway before they got to them.

I checked out then started walking to the park while eating my chips. What, I was hungry.

Lauren's Pov

"We could go to Atlanta, they wouldn't expect us to go back there," Andy said, laying down on a picnic table. We were in a park pavilion, talking about where to go next. We couldn't stay here during the day so we needed to get out of here before the sun rose.

"Atlanta is exactly where they would expect us to go. We should go back up to the midwest. No one is looking for us there." I said leaning against a pole.

"The cops are looking for us everywhere. There is nowhere we can go that they won't be looking for us," Andy said dejectedly.

I sighed. He wasn't wrong, it's just, sometimes I really didn't want that reminder. I fiddled with the necklace that we took from the jewelry store. I was wearing it. The chain was short and the pendant hit only about two inches below my collar bone. I ran my finger over the crest, the texture of it was slightly comforting.

I heard a noise coming from the woods behind us, I turned around scanning the trees for movement. I noticed a patch that was darker than the rest. I couldn't make out anything in that section.

"Andy, where's the flashlight?" I said. Andy handed me the flashlight and I shined it into the trees where the darkest patch was. There was an area that just wasn't getting brighter, even as I shined the light directly on it.

Andy came over and knelt next to me, "Do you think..."

"Maybe," I said briefly, shining the light over the rest of the woods just to be safe.

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