Chapter 9

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Authors note!

Merry Christmas Everyone!


Andrea's POV

I began packing my suitcase once again so i could be ready to leave after breakfast. I began to ponder my situation.

I am torn in between a rock and a hard place. My mind is telling to run away from this man as fast as humanly possible. Yet my body is telling me to stay.

When he's around me I'm aware of his body movement. Like when he smiles his shoulders becomes broad an he flexes his muscles. Or when he's angry he gets a creased brow and his natural light green eyes turn into a rich dark green.

I cannot believe that I'm noticing all these small details about this stranger. My last relationship lasted 8 months and that was 6 months ago, I was with a African American guy named Mark. Mark was an accountant, he was quite successful.

Mark was simply too nice. The man had no backbone towards me. In the relationship I wore the pants and he wore the skirt.

I knew he wasn't the one for me. I need a man who can control and lead the family. Not an insecure man who calls every three hours worried sick about me. In his last relationship the woman cheated on him. He had to much going on his life I just had to go.

But Jack he is something I've never experienced, and because of that I must leave him now. I was never good at trying new things, and relationships are no different.

"Oh my gosh! I don't know why I keep thinking about relationships. This man is probably already seeing someone. That woman is a lucky lady." I said out loud.

Yeah I know I'm losing my mind. I have got to get out of here. It must be unhealthy to feel like this for a man you have barely known for a couple of days I am out here!

Jack's POV

I had to start breakfast because that was only thing keeping Andrea here. Right after breakfast she would be out of here. I'm making her an omelette that will for sure melt in her mouth, with bacon, sausage, hash browns, and pancakes.

I know this is way to much food for two people but the more food I cook, the longer she will wait and stay in the condo.

I really wish she would stay. I mean I am her protector. She's beautiful, but my work comes first. And who am I kidding and woman like her would for sure be in a relationship with someone.

The thought of Andrea being with someone else makes me angry. No way! I had better not see her with any other or else I would put him in jail. I know it might be illegal but I would make it happen. She's too good for any average man. Andrea needs someone special.

Andrea finally came from the back room and sat down at the table. I sensed the sadness, yet the determination in her eyes. She said, Jack, are you done yet? I have to get out of here so I could have a chance at finding a place for the night."

I did a half turn to look at her because I didn't want to overcook my hash browns. I said, "Patience is a virtue my lady, and I'm finishing up the hash browns, which is last thing I needed o cook."

I waited for her to say something but she didn't so I said, "And your welcome to stay her until you can truly be able to stand on your own two feet."

Andrea's POV

Oh no he didn't just say that. "Jack I barely know you!" Didn't your mother tell you to leave strangers alone?" I don't know your purpose wanting me to stay here so bad, but you have got to let me loose."

Jack snapped his body so fast around to face me. His face looked miserable. He said, "I tried to help you but I can only do so much. If you feel that you are ready to leave me then there is nothing else that I can do."

His heart was pounding so hard. He looked ravishing. I watched him from behind until he finished cooking breakfast.

He silently gave me an empty plate, and said, "Eat whatever you like." He filled his plate and then he sat down on the opposite side of the table.

After twenty minutes had passed it was official I was leaving, ready to rebuild my life again. I charged up my computer and my cellphone. I was ready.

Well I thought I was ready. I know Jack is an awesome man but he's not the one for me. I don't deserve a man like that. And he's probably seeing another lady, so there is no reason in getting my feelings hurt.

With that I put my coat, hat, scarf, and mittens on. I put my back pack on, and I dragged my suitcase to Jack's front door. Jack was staring and waiting for me to say something.

Jack's POV

I should just tell her everything and blow my cover. But if I do that she may not be cooperative. I want to protect her safety but I will not abort the mission.

I put on my winter coat and grab the car keys I needed to know where she was going.

I said, "Andrea i'll take you wherever you want to go. Just tell me where." I prayed to God that she would tell me so I would be able to track her in order to protect her.

She scratched her head staring at the floor and said, "Okay, let's go."

I grabbed her suitcase and we were off.

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