Chapter 19

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Andrea's POV

When I pulled up to my parents home I felt a total sense of relief. There was no one following me. Everything was calm. My dad grabbed my duffle bags and brought them into the house. As soon as I walked in I plopped on the couch and turned the tv on to CNN news station.

I was barely paying attention to what the news casters were saying until I heard my name and my picture flash the television screen. I quickly began to focus on what they were saying about me.

My parents happen to walk in and start asking me questions. I said, "Please, hold your questions for a minute until this off. I'm on tv."

While I was happy to be on tv I knew it wasn't good things that were being discussed. They were of course discussing one of the biggest cases of the year.

"From an inside source, reported that Lead Attorney Andrea Rain has gone to witness protection to recover from wounds that she has suffered with dealing with Niko Rogers and his men. Police officers reported that the men who attack Rain was Rogers Uncle Arnold Rogers. He was also sent to the hospital for wounds he suffered, and then sent to Chicago Police department. "

I sat on my couch in grief.

The reporter continued to report how I was supposed to go to court and finish the case and prove that Niko Rogers killed Leon Debar and sue for damages but unfortunately she is not reportedly in the city of Chicago. The Honorable Judge Angle of Cook County's cabinet has given attorney rains defense two weeks to prepare her case. The case will continue March 1.

At that point I began to realize how short life truly was and how spontaneous it is. Just a few months ago no one knew my name. I was a simple woman who was safe. The only reason I accepted the case because of the added bonus that I would receive at the end of the year.

I wish I could rewind my life back and change something's. Was it all worth it? If I would not of taken the case then I definitely would not if met Jack.

I know I pushed him away but it was for a reason. I find it so hard to trust people these days it ridiculous. Next time, if there will be a next time I will do things different. I just want to be normal.

I finally snapped out of my thoughts when my mother tapped my arm. She said, "Andrea are you okay? You probably should not be watching the tv. Try to get some rest. You need sleep."

I simply shook my head and drug my feet up stairs to my lovely bed room. I didn't bother changing my clothes. I kicked my shoes off and fell into a deep sleep.


I woke up to my mother shaking me in panic. I was so confused as to what was going on. I yelled, "Mother what is wrong? You are hurting me."

She said, "last night you fell asleep at 9pm. And when I left the morning for work and prayer meeting I let you sleep a bit more, but I sent you a text which you never responded to. I got busy in town and finally I came home and realized that you had not woke up yet. It's 6pm, you can not sleep like that." With that my mom slammed the door, and left.

I surprisingly felt wonderful and well rested. I grabbed my phone to see if I had anymore missed messages. And boy did I. I had 9 missed calls which 4 of them came from my mother, and 7 missed text, and 6 Facebook notifications. While scrolling and responding to the messages I smiled when I saw Jacks name pop up on my screen. He wanted to know how I was feeling. I sent him a text back saying that I was doing good. I almost text him that I missed him but I erased it quickly. I didn't want to seem to thirsty. Oh man I need to stop with all of these childish games.

We text back and forth until he sent a random message saying that he missed me, and that he wanted me to come back to Chicago. I had to pause for a second because I didn't not expect that.

I just needed to make up my mind about what I truly wanted to do. I really wanted to go back to Chicago but I didn't know what to expect. Whenever I'm with Jack I fell safe and okay, but when I'm not with him it's terrible.

If I to back to the Windy City I really need to be brave. I feel like the whole city is depending on me.

After I finished my texting session I went to dinner and then took my medication. Within about 30 minutes I fell into a deep sleep and began to dream.

Life is to short. If you love me tell me. If you like me, tell me. Don't be ashamed, don't be afraid. There is no time like the present. Tell me Now.

It's short butttt better than nothing. ;)

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