Chp 7

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Authors note!

Hey everyone! Please give me some comments on my story. I will need at least 25 votes on this chapter before I will post the next chapter! Read and enjoy!


Andrea's POV

As we got in the car I began to feel nervous. I mean who wouldn't feel nervous with 15 thousand dollars in their purse. I was sweating like crazy. My jacket was too thin for this crazy Chicago weather. The wind was blowing me away!

We made it to the parking lot of the bank and I got out. I fought the gusty winds and opened the door to the bank. I looked back and saw that Jack was still inside the car.

Inside the bank there was a semi long line. I didn't exactly want to go to a bank teller with that much cash and jewels.

The banker said, "Hello what can we do for you today?"

I said, "I need to make a deposit. And I will need a safe box."

He said, "How much is your deposit mam and what is your jewelry's appraisal value?"

I paused at him and I said, "I'll be making an 9,000 dollars deposit and I will have a 6,000 worth of jewels."

He looked at me, and then he got up and said he needed to get his boss in order to make a deposit like that. I was nervous. I didn't want anyone to think that I had gotten my money dishonestly because I didn't.

My jewels came from pawn shops and little shopping trips that I accumulated over the years. And my money came from my last clients who I helped free. See those men had no trust in banks whatsoever. They only used cash. The last payment they gave me was 9,000 dollars and I decided to use that money as backup cash.

The banker's boss came in and we took care of business. He basically said that because my deposit was under 10,000 dollars that they would not need the IRS to come and investigate. Once we finished, I shook the mans hand walked back outside to the black BMW and the handsome man inside of it.

Jack scrambled out the car and ran to the passenger side to let me in. And then he ran to his side got in and he peeled off.

We sat in the car for a while and then he started to drive. He said, "Lets eat!."

We headed to Ihop. We walked inside and got a booth. Jack said, "Sweetheart you look miserable."

At that point I was fed up. "What do you mean I look miserable I came close to being raped, I lost my apartment and I am forced to live with a man that I barely know. So yeah I think I am pretty miserable."

After that he just kept quiet.

Jacks POV

Whoa that girl has a got a smart mouth. I promised my mother I would never hit a woman. But this one might just get the best of me.

The male waiter came to the table and he was about to take our order. He sized Jack up and down. He had a weird look on his face that showed his disgust and his disapproval of the intermixed couple.

The waiter ignored Jack and spoked to Andrea, he said, "Hello beautiful African American Queen. You sure are looking pretty." He opened his mouth and he disgustingly licked his yellow teeth. His name tag read Rufus.

He continued to say, "Baby this man can't satisfy your needs. You need a brother to make you complete. Here is my number so you can call me after you get bored with him." He batted his eyes and looked at Jack and said, "You know black men are better in bed."

Oh no he did not just disrespect me in front of her. Jack stood up and punched the lights out of Rufus. He said, looking down towards the crying Rufus, "Don't disrespect me or my girl, I can satisfy all her needs and her wants. I got money for days. While you are taking my order at IHOP I am pulling in six figures annually. He look at Andrea and said, "Lets go babe ill make breakfast at home for the two of us."

No one will disrespect me or my girl. Oh my goodness I can't believe I just publicly claimed Andrea as mine. We only have known each other for less than 2 days. Where are these feelings coming from Jack thought to himself.

Andreas POV

Whoa what just happen? She thought to herself. Jack just beat the crap out of our waiter and he claimed me as his. Everything is happening way to fast.

Jack looked at me and he grabbed my hand as we walked silently to the BMW. We got in the car and he peeled off.

I said, "Why did you just make a scene back there? What did it matter to you if the man spoke to me? I sense some jealousy."

Jack said, "Listen woman. I will not be disrespected or insulted by no one. I can and could please all your needs and wants if you wanted me to." Jack said that will a devilish smile on his face. "As far as jealousy goes, I don't know maybe I was a bit jealous. Who cares, just forget about it."

I thought go myself there is no way I could ever forget. I loved how Jack protected me. But I refuse to get to close to him. I will be leaving Jack in a few hours hopefully. Ill probably never see him again. There was no used of having feelings for a guy if you know that eventually he will leave.

Then I randomly spoke see, "This is one of the main problems interracial relationships face. Discrimination is hard to overcome."

Jacks response surprised me. He said, "Love sees and knows no color. Why should you let race determine who you love?"

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