Chapter 14

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Authors note. Please forgive me for not updating sooner.



Jack's POV

Oh my goodness Andrea is awake. This is crazy thank you Jesus for giving me another chance and saving her life. I'm so excited. I am so nervous to see her because I don't know who's presence she is requesting.

Have the nurses told her that her parents are here. I need time alone to explain everything to her it's important to me that I tell her first.

Finally I got up and then I walked towards Andrea's room when I notice the rude nurse look at me funny. She said, "Her parents are allowed in first. Give her rest." She pause and then spat out distastefully, "Officer."

I am furious. This old woman is mean. If she only knew how much I cared about Andrea. I can't stand this waiting I need to see her. And I will not leave until I see her face.

So I waited in the emergency room waiting room for what seemed like forever. I watch what seemed like hundreds of different groups of people passing by.

I saw the elderly, the young children, pregnant mothers, and everything in between. I observed the attitudes and the facial expressions of some of those people. I saw a lot of sad and worried faces, and then I saw a few happy faces.

Sitting in this waiting room taught me a huge lesson. Life is short, and we need to live life to the fullest. I'm missing out on life.

Andrea's POV

For almost fifteen minutes I laid in my bed and I stared at the ceiling. My thoughts were racing. Mostly I was thinking how awesome God is, because he gave me another chance at living life.

I know I dozed off to a light sleep because the door to my room popped open. I thought I was Jack, but it was someone else. It was my mother and father. I was so happy to see them.

My mother came rushing to my bed giving me thousands of hugs and kisses. She kept telling how she was thankful to God for saving my life.

I spoke a bit to my parents as long as I could. Surprisingly they didn't ask me about what happen today. It was as if they knew everything already.

I got tired of looking at the door wondering when Jack was going to bust through. I paged the nurse to come into my room.

Exactly 19 seconds later the nurse was inside my, and she said "What can I do for you mam?"

I said, "There should be a man outside in the waiting room, his name is Jack. I need him now." The nurse nodded her head and then left.

My mom said, "Jack seems like a good person. We had the chance to talk to him before we were able to see you. "

My heart began to race! Oh no!! I barely know Jack and my parents already met him! This could be a disaster.

I simply ignored that comment and waited for Jack's arrival. I ran my fingers through my tangled hair. But I knew I looked rough. But at least I was alive.

Finally Jack walked in. He looked concerned. He said, "Hey there buddy, how's everything going?"

I was shocked. Jack called me "buddy." I'm not his buddy. I paused for a second then I said, "I'm doing better than I was a few hours ago, but I definitely have a long way to go."

Jack stared at me, and then he beamed his pearly white teeth at me and said, "Don't you worry about a thing, we are going to catch all these bad guys. You stay strong mam."

I couldn't believe how impersonal Jack was being. He's acting as if this was the first time we met. There is one thing I know for sure and that is something has changed with Jack.

We all sat and chatted for about 20 minutes. All through the conversation all I wanted to do was punch Jack in his pointy nose. He was acting so distant and professional. Normally being professional is good. But at this moment I wasn't looking for him to be professional, I was looking for him to simply be there for me. And at that moment I realized that Jack did not belong to me at all.

I thought I detected some feelings that Jack actually truly care about me. But I remembered that he is just doing his job. I don't mean anything to him. I'm just another burden on him, another duty that he must protect.

Finally Jack said, "Miss Rain, when you are discharged from the hospital where are you going to go? Back to your old apartment? Or do you need assistance from the police department." He took his time in saying, "The police department would have no problem in accommodating you mam."

I became overly frustrated with his distant behavior. I looked at my parents and I said, "Mom and Dad, I think I'm going to come home for a few months and figure out what I want to do." The look on Jack's face was insane. He looked horrified.

I continued to say, "You know I don't have too many friends here in Chicago. And I am in no relationship. There is nothing holding me back. When I am well I will come back." Finally I knocked Jack off of his high horse. He seemed to lose some of his cockiness.

Jack said, "But what about your job, and the law suit? You are greatly needed by the state of Illinois and by your team. We need you."

I gained some confidence and said, "Well they just might have to replace me. Where was everyone else when I was being attacked? What do you mean the state needs me? What information are you not telling me?"

Jack said, "I'm just saying that you are a great attorney and you have cases that needs your attention that you cannot abandon. And let's not forget. I was there. I was there to help you when you in the beginning back at Navy Pier. So don't say no one was there for you."

I was pissed. "Look my health comes first. I will not sacrifice my body for work. Wait a minute. What were you doing at the Navy Pier anyways? Something doesn't make sense."

My parents could feel the tension in the room. My mom said, "Andrea, perhaps you should come home for a while and work from home. Things may work out better with that arrangement. You can take the train to and from Chicago. And once you are physically better then you can find another apartment."

I needed time to think. I wanted to be alone. I said, "I'm not sure what I want but I know feeling tired." Inadvertently I dismissed Jack. I thought he was the person that I wanted to see but he seemed to be different.

Jack said, "Well I guess, I'll go now. There will always be an officer on 24 hour guard. Have no fear and rest well Miss Rain. I'm sure we will meet again." With that he turned around and walked out the door. He didn't give me a chance to say goodbye.

My heart was shattered. And I thought Jack was the one for me. My feelings were hurt and confused.

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