Chapter 8

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Author's Note

Well I was going to make everyone wait until I got 25 votes but ill be patient and keep writing anyways!


Andrea's POV

It was already 9 am when we arrived back home from the IHOP incident. Truthfully I was tired but, my stomach began to betray me by making weird noises. There was no way I was going to miss breakfast.

Finally we pulled into the underground parking lot. Jack parked in his assigned parking space. Once hid car was turned off he sprinted to the passenger side to let me out. I began to wonder if the passenger door opened from the inside. Jack never let me opened my own door.

We started walking towards the elevator to get back to Jack's condo. I wish I could read minds. I wanted to know what was going through Jack's mind. I really did not mean to offend Jack earlier about the interracial comment, but yet I meant every word. Interracial couples go through a lot of discrimination, and sometimes are treated as outcast. Other times when they have children, their children are confused about their ethnicity and history.

I knew at that point me and Jack needed to distance ourselves from each other. I don't know why I am thing about relationships this is insane.

At that moment I began to build my inner confidence because I am determined to rebuild my life and break free form this temporary prison.

His legs were long so he made it to the elevator before I did. I had to do a little jog to catch up. "Jack, I just want to thank you for all your help, but I'm a big girl, and I can handle my own problems. After we eat breakfast I'm leaving. I will find a hotel for a couple of days and then I will eventually find another place."

I looked at Jack's confused face, he was dumbfounded. He said, "I really think you should stay here a while until things blow over. I just want to protect you." He walk closer to me, and he put his soft hands to my cheek to wiped away my invisible tears.

I backed away because by having Jacks gorgeous hand on my body was mixing and confusing my thoughts. I said, "The thing is cowboy, I don't need your protection. You've been a gentleman and I'm thankful. It's time for me to move on."

With that, the elevator rang its bell to notify us that it was ready. We stepped in, and up we went.

Jacks POV

Oh my goodness!!! I can't believe this ungrateful woman is about to leave. After all that I have done for her. And all she wants to do is run.

I can't blow my cover. That would cost me my job if Andrea figured out what was going on, and decided that she would not cooperate with us. But I don't want her to feel trapped.

If I let her go back into the world it will be a huge risk. I don't know what I'd do if something bad happened to her. I don't care what race she is, she's beautiful and I like her.

The police commissioner specifically assigned me to this case. Andrea is my responsibility. Until the Niko Rogers and associates are locked up I am not to leave Andrea alone.

I'm going to call the police commissioner and let him tell me my options.

As soon as the elevator reached their floor they walked to the condo door, and then we walked in. I walked straight to my bed room door in order to call him.

I held my breath as i dialed the commissioners number. I was desperate, and I needed some guidance. Finally he answered after the fifth ring. "Hello William.

The commissioner paused for a brief second and said, "Hey there Jack, what's on your mind? You know we miss your face in the main branch office."

Jack said,"I miss everyone to but this is important." Jack changed his tone from social business in an instant . "This is about Andrea. As you know she stayed the night in spare bedroom,and she was safe, and I was able to actually get a full nights rest instead of being on a 24 hour watch."

"No one would dare harm her inside of my apartment. But the problem is that she does not feel comfortable, and she wants to stay in a hotel, until she finds another apartment.

The commissioner said in a fatherly tone, "Son, have you fully explained to her what was going on? Does she know you're an undercover agent?"

Jack said, "Not at all sir, I believe that it is in her best interest that she not know. I do not want to burden her with our business."

Commissioner said, well son if your not going to tell the truth to her than you will have to let her go. Also she is still your responsibility so it is important you don't let her out of your sight. (He was speaking metaphorically). And that's an order. Do you understand?"

Jack had enough respect to to agree to what ever the commissioner said because he had a lot of power and could either make you, or break you.

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