Chapter 16

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Andrea's POV

Okay tell me that this is not truly happening. As I read the letter I felt my body tighten, and my eyes began to grow big. How could this man keep all these important secrets from me. This is my life I know what's best for me. I thought Jack trusted me. Honestly I thought I could trust Jack. But silly me. How in world could I trust someone whom I know for such a short period of time.

I looked up at Jack in disgust. I opened my mouth and said, "How could you do this to me? Why weren't you truthful with me ? You are so inconsiderate, and you are only protecting me so you can lock up Niko Rogers and his crew. Jack you misled me."

He tried to stop me but I was on a roll. "No wonder you happen to be at the Navy Pier conveniently when I was. Or even at the youth hostel. You were following me. You stalker. I can't believe I even halfway trusted you. I'm disappointed." After that I began to weep. I was done. My heart felt completely betrayed.

Jack took my silence as an opportunity to speak. He said, "No Andrea you have gotten it all wrong. I wanted to protect you. I did not want any of these men to hurt you. Yes in the beginning my job was to protect you to make sure that Dubar stayed away from you, so you can lock them up. But I promise I didn't mean to hurt you."

Through tears, I shouted, "I don't want to hear this nonsense. You knew what you were doing. I am grown woman, I can handle the truth. What is wrong with you. You think that you are any better than Niko Rogers? Well I think not. You have betrayed me. Your are no better than the rest of them. Get out."

Jacks POV

Oh my goodness I completely just lost her. She wants me gone. Upon hearing here words I backed up and walked towards the door. Stupid me. I thought she would have given me some credit for finally coming clean. The information I told her in the letter was privileged.

As I walked out of Andreas room I heard her sniffling. I wanted to comfort her. I have no idea as of what I should do. Once I left the room the police officer on duty started to engage in conversation with me but I wasn't in the mood. I walked passed him without saying one word.

I found the nearest bathroom, and thank God the bathroom was a unisex with one- stall. I needed a private moment to myself. One I got in the bathroom I slammed the door, then locked it. I looked in the mirror at my reflection, and that was when I completely lost all my composure. I knew I blew it. I began to cry, and to pray to Jesus. I needed to know why all of this was happening. I felt like a coward.

I cried for about 20 minutes until, I felt my phone began to ring uncontrollably. I was going to ignore the calla, but something inside of me told me it was important. I pulled out my phone and looked at the caller identification. It was my the police commissioner, my boss William. I cleared my throat, and said, "This is Jack."

William said, "Where the heck are you? I'm at the hospital." He spoke with such urgency. And he continued to say, " I don't know boy, but I have a bad feeling that something terrible is going to go down soon, if not it's already happened. Twenty minutes ago the Chicago police department received a phone call about a car hat was vandalized."

I said,"Sir vandalism happens all the time, what does this have to do with me?"

He continued to say, "We ran the license plate and it was registered to you. Your car is done for. All your windows natures are smashed and cut. On the hood of you BMW someone wrote "Watch your back Jack." Son where are you?"

Immediately I wiped my tears and put my game face on because it was time to make someone pay. I said, "I will be down in a minute boss, have no fear." I thought to myself about calling the insurance agency but then I thought against it. There was a time and a place for everything, and it simply was not the time right now.

Andreas POV

I knew I should not have opened up my heart to that stranger. I just knew it. He seemed perfect. And I think I thought of him as my night and shining armor. I had to laugh because if I didn't tears would come. Jack misled me and I was truthful.

I sat in my bed for awhile thinking about today's events. My mom dad every three hours would come and check one me. And each time I would a r as if nothing had happened to me. As if my heart did not feel like it had be torn to pieces. I didn't know how long I could keep acting fake towards my parents.

They definitely knew there was some thing wrong but they stopped asking why I felt the way I did. Eventually I drifted off to sleep. I needed to find my happy place, because this hospital room sure isn't it.

Finally after a long nap I woke up to both of my parents hovering over my bed. I heard them praying and asking The Lord to wake me up. Without moving my body I listened to the voices of my family members pray for an immediate recovery. For some reason I felt a little humorous. I popped my eyes open and yelled, "I'm healed, it's a miracle!"

The look on my parents face was priceless. My mother chastised me For giving her such a scare. But I could not doing anything but laugh. I couldn't help my laughter, that was until I saw Jack was standing there in the corner. He looked tired and concerned.

Eventhough I felt betrayed I still missed him. Jack didn't even bother staying in the room to speak to me. He politely left the room. My mother said, "It's a terrible shame in the way your treat that boy. He tried to pour his heart out to you, and yet you won't even listen. This man has sacrificed a lot for you. While you've been knocked out on this hospital bed Jack had gotten his car vandalized, he went out searching for Niko and his little crew, all the while kept on checking up on ya. I don't know if you realized but you have been in this hospital for almost four days. The medicine the doctors gave you were strong. Your father and I have been here and so has Jack. There were nights where he would sit on the floor of the hospital room to make sure no one unwelcomed visitors would enter."

I was speechless. I knew my mom wasn't finished balling me out so I thought I would let her finish speaking. She continued to say, "That boy is a good man. I know this because you have rejected his entrance about three times, and yet he still keeps coming back. If I was I his position I would have left your raggedy behind alone. You act like you're better than him. You have your flaws. Andrea you think this man can go and tell everyone he's an undercover agent? Absolutely not!"

I thought to myself. Oh no she did not just snap on me. I had the urge to come right back at my mom with the same attitude but I thought against it. If I thought Niko Rogers men was tough, they are nothing compared to my mother when she is angry. I decided that I was going to fake sleep cause I didn't feel like having this conversation at this immediate moment.

I closed my eyes and went still. My momma caught me in action. She shook my arm and made me wince in pain. She said, " Girl you think you slick trying to fake sleep on me. You have had enough rest. The doctors said you will be going home soon."

My dad finally spoke up and then in his two cents, "I think you and Jack need to have another conversation, and you need to hear him out. Don't miss out on an awesome guy because of your ego." Yeah I felt like everyone needed to calm down and let me handle this my own way.

My mom, randomly walked out the room then my dad followed her. Ten minutes passed then the door opened it was Jack. He looked beautiful. I know I was supposed to mad at him but I was experiencing difficulties. I wanted to curl in his arms, and snuggle against his skin.

We stared at each other for awhile and I felt that connection. He walked closer to the side of my bed, and looked deep into my eyes. He picked up the back of my head and then brought it closer to his own head.

His head was so close that I could feel his breath against my skin. Jack kissed me passionately.

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