Chapter 21

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Andrea's POV

On the way into Chicago, I don't know I just felt an extra sense of confidence. It was like I felt like I belonged here.

I avoided texting or calling Jack because I felt like would have ruined my surprise. I finally picked up my phone and called checked all my messages. And of course Jack had text me.

The message read, "I miss you. I wish you were here with me. Come back soon please."

I decided to mess with him a little bit. And I responded no, "I will never come back to Chicago. I just can't do it anymore. I sent that message and then I sent "Lol".

*** Conversation*
Jack- Andrea, are you serious? I can't tell.
Andrea- Honestly Jack I have no idea. I'm tired of all the drama.
Jack- But don't you miss me a little bit? Like I miss you a whole lot. I swear if you told me right now to come to you I would not sleep until I was there.
Andrea- Jack, I miss you tons. Where are you right now?
Jack- Well if you miss me then let me come see you tomorrow please. Or I'd even drive to come see you now."

Pause of conversation. We are like 10 minutes away from making it to Union Station, and I needed to know where he was. There was no way in the world that I was going back to my old apartment tonight. I was either going to Jacks condo or going to a hotel.

Continue conversation

Andrea- Jack, where are you right now?
Jack- why is it important?
Andrea- well I just want to imagine where you are. And pretend that I was with you. (I needed an quick excuses so it was the best I could come up with on a short notice.).
Jack- I'm in Millennium Park. I'm staring at the bean.
Andrea- Ok. Stay there and I'll call you when I get home ok? Then we can FaceTime.
Jack- I stay for you but hurry.

End of conversation

As soon as I got off the train I ran to the bathroom to check myself. I needed to look good for Jack. The last time I saw him we were on bad terms. I want to make up for my behavior.

And then I went outside to hail a taxi cab. And jumped in. I was nervous and yet excited at the same time. I finally make it to the park. I payed my taxi fair and I walked slowly to the bean. My loud luggage almost gave me away.

I spotted Mr. Handsome sitting on the bench looking amazingly gorgeous but tired all at the same time.

I left my suitcase within eye view. And I walked right passed him. He had no clue as to who I was. Then I turned around and passed him again. And once again nothing.

Jacks POV

Who in the world is this woman. Why does she keep walking pass me? Like this is about the second time she has walked this way and I'm getting annoyed.

Her walk seems extremely familiar. The way she dips her hips and sways left from right. But there is only one woman who holds my attention right now. And she supposed to call me back.

Instead of waiting for her to call me I'm just going to call her. I feel lonely.

While the phone is ringing the woman is still pacing back and forth. I can't quite see her face because of the large hat she's wearing.

My thoughts sputter for a moment because Andrea finally picks up her phone.

Jack- Hey Andrea, are you home yet? I'm still waiting for you.
Andrea- Jack, I'm sorry but I'm not home. But let's just talk instead of FaceTiming.
Jack- Andrea, I'm kind of annoyed. I could have been home by now. I'm tired.
Andrea- I promise this conversation won't be that long. Jack please tell me what you see?
Jack- okay it's midnight. I see a few poor people and this random woman walking back and forth. She's a bit odd but her familiar. It's like I know her but I don't know her.
Andrea- what color is she wearing?
Jack- All black everything.
Andrea- ok you can ask me what every question you would like.

Paused conversation.

I noticed that at least the odd woman is respectful. While on the phone she has given me some space.

Continued conversation.

Jack- So describe your surroundings.
Andrea- I'm outside at a park as well.
Jack- Hmm I wish we were at the same park. That would be awesome. But are you doing at the park?
Andrea- I'm sitting in a small corner of the park staring at a man who looks broken and lonely.
Jack- Describe this man. (I began to get jealous a bit. How dare she speak of a another man?)
Andrea- He to is wearing black. He has a bulls hat on. And a Northface Jacket on.
Jack- Interesting. What is he doing?
Andrea- It seems like he's on the phone. He's got his legs crossed. Well now their uncrossed. Forgive me now they are crossed again.

Pause- what the heck. It's seems as if this guy is doing everything that I'm doing.

Jack-ok Andrea that's creepy.
Andrea - Jack I have to go now. I promise I'll speak to you soon. Good night.

End of conversation.

She didn't even wait for me to say good bye.

So the odd woman stands up again. But she facing the opposite direction of me. And begins to reach into her pocket again. She pulled out her phone.

As I was sitting on the bench my phone rang again. It was Andrea.

Andrea- Jack go to the woman the random one you see and ask her who she is.
Jack- Why? No that's crazy I may frighten her it's late.
Andrea- Do it Jack. It's important that you speak to her. It's my intuition. I know she needs your help. Please!!
Jack- Ok Andrea I'll do it. I'll talk to you later.

End conversation.

I walked to the awkward woman slowly. Her back was still turned against me. I was about 30 feet away. And then she turned around. I still couldn't see her face because of the big hat she was wearing.

So finally I was 10 feet away from the woman. She pulled off her hat and said, "You miss me?"

I was freaking shocked.

This chapter was fun to write. Please excuse the mistakes. And enjoy.

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