Stolen Love

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One cold February morning I woke up determined to get some extra work done on my day off. Since I am next in line to be senior partner at one of the biggest law firms in Chicago, I had to be on top of my work all the time.

As I rolled out of bed to brush my teeth I heard my stomach make weird noises in which I knew it was time for food.

I threw on my favorite pair of skinny jeans, a t-shirt and a blue pea coat. Along with that i added my favorite pink colored pair of Toms on. After I finished dressing I was gone in search for food.

Since I live in the heart of Chicago I have no use for a car. That means I strictly rely on public transportation and my own two feet.

Finally I made it to the el-train where I waited for the next train to come and pick me up. I finally got on and I made my way to Chicago's downtown. Something inside of me dragged me to go to the navy pier. I had no true objections to going. And since I had free time to whatever I wanted I decided that I'd venture out, and explore the navy pier.

Once at the Navy Pier I decided to see what attractions were left since it was February and there wasn't as many tourist hanging around.

I also decided to eat cheap for lunch and get McDonalds. Once I got my food I sat down and dug in my crispy french fries.

A few minutes in to my meal I noticed a man wearing all black tucked in a corner. I kept looking at him, trying to figure out his purpose for sitting in a hidden corner. Once I finished my meal I got up and walked outside towards the pier.

I didn't notice that the man in all black had gotten up when I did. About five minutes into my walk I had a feeling that i was being followed. The Navy pier was not totally empty of people but there was enough.

I made the grave mistake in turning down a deserted path by the pier. The dark man ran behind me and covered my mouth with his filthy fingers. I tried to scream and yell but I was unsuccessful.

He whispered in her ear,"You're all mines now". With that he pulled off her shirt and ripped her bra off with dirty scrubby hands an began to make small circles around chest.

I began to freak out. I was overpowered by this creepy man who was touching my body with his grubby fingers. I once again attempted to scream, "help, help" in hopes someone would come to my rescue. Unfortunately, at that moment no one did.

Fifteen minutes into the creepy man's rubbing his hand on my body he began to unbutton my skinny jeans and he pulled them down and I yelled even louder, "someone please hel.." After that last cry he punched me in the ribs and I laid their motionless.

As he unbuttoned his pants and pulled out his member the man was about to enter me when this random beautiful blond haired pedestrian came from nowhere and knocked the mans lights out. Without any words he picked me up and carried me to a safe place and then I blacked out.

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