Chp 18

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Jack's POV

How could I come to the hospital to say goodbye? I haven't known this woman long and yet I'm already saying goodbye to her. I'm upset, I'm hurt, I'm disappointed. But most of all I'm lonely. I really never needed a woman in my life. But Andrea truly had my heart.

Like Grandpa used to say. "And life goes on Sunny Boy where we like it or not." I just need to refocus my thoughts and put all my effort into putting these crooks into jail forever.

I hopped into my rental car and I drove to the Law office where Andrea worked at. I had to pick up some documents. On my way over to the office I once again day dreamed and wondered about Andrea and the things that she might be doing. Andrea was still being protected by a private investigator but it obviously isn't me anymore. My boss thought that I should stay in Chicago and work.

Once I pulled in the Law Office I saw Officer Michaels for some odd reason. Like what did he have to do with this case. He is so close to being locked up with Niko Rogers and the rest of them thugs.

As he got out of his car I Parked and then ran in right behind him. Michaels hadn't seen me yet. I decided to follow him to see exactly where he was going and the purpose of today's visit. He went to the secretary and asked for the lead attorney on the Roger's et. al. Case and the secretary responded, "Unfortunately the lead attorney isn't here at the moment. And the next ranking attorney is my superior. And they are in a press conference at the moment. May I please take a message?"

Michaels looked pissed off. His face was red and you could see the vain popping out the side of his brain. "He said, " I don't care whose in a meeting or whose not available. I work for people in high places. Someone will speak to me about this case right now."

And surprisingly the elder lady looked at Michaels and said, "Oh, you're still talking? I must've turned my hearing aid volume on low. But then again it's always on low cause I don't care for listening to idiots. Now what do you want?"

Michaels grabbed the edge of the lady's desk and raised his voice. I stayed back because I wanted to know his purpose for coming. I knew he was sent from orders of the police department or else I wouldn't of needed to come down. And plus Michaels is a disgrace to this department. He said, "We'll is at least your vision ok. I am a police officer. Can you not see my badge? I need to speak to someone right now. And if you do not corporate I will be forced to arrest your for insubordination. Do you understand?"

I was about to intercede into the conversation until I heard the woman's response. This woman could definitely hold her own weight. She didn't need my help at all. "Look I know what you want and who your looking for. But you might as well take a number and wait like everyone else. My superiors are in a meeting." And she turned back to her computer and continued to type.

Michaels ignored the woman and ran to the back. The secretary didn't see him because she had just took off her goggles. I mean glasses. Those glasses were blurry and big. During that time I also escaped to the back. I didn't want to cause a scene.

I watched Michaels open the conference door room and walked in. He didn't close the door. He screamed, "Whose in charge around here? A small man raised his hands looking helpless and confused.

This attorney said, "How can I help you officer?"

Michaels said, "My superiors would like the files for the Niko Roger's case right now. Everything you have on the case we need it." He breathed heavily. And then continued to say, "You can either give it to me or I can force you to give it to me."

The attorney said, "Sir, what is your name? The district attorney's office for a fact did call me this morning asking about a specific piece of evidence that they wanted me to give them. They never asked for the full file. Also Andrea Rain, lead attorney is on leave. She is handling the Dubar v. Rogers case. We go to court in 2 weeks. Since she is gone I can't authorize you to take our files. It's complicated because everything is in perfect for Andrea when she arrives back into the office."

I thought to myself, thank God Andrea is coming back I miss her. But I have to shake these soft feelings. I'm a man.

Michaels said, "My name is Officer Michael's and the police department told me to come here and pick up the files and now I am here. Give me the files now, or I l arrest you.

The scared attorney said, "Unfortunately the police department said I should only give the files to Jackson Smith, and him only. I can't give it to you."

"What!!!! Screw Jackson Smith! They told me to come!" Michaels said.

But I heard enough, the attorney was shaking in his boots. I said, "Officer Michaels, what in the world are you doing here? You're not assigned to this case."

This man gave me an evil look in his eyes and grabbed his gun out the holster. I never thought my fellow colleague would stoop this low.

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