Chp 24

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Andrea's Pov

When I walked into the office, everything looked brand new. I mean I haven't been gone that long have I? New bulletins on the wall, a new secretary at the front desk, and knew carpet. Thank goodness the old carpet is gone.

Fear began to set in. I hoped I still had my office. I mean with all these changes I am sure they have no problem replacing me. Although I am handling one of the firms biggest criminal cases. Shit will hit the fan if they replace me.

My boss was the first person to greet me at the door. "ANDREA, Thank God you are here. We go to court soon and we need to feel you in on all the information of the case. We have the paralegal, and junior attorney at your disposal, make me proud." And with that he was gone.

I went down the familiar hallway, which led to my office, and there it was. My office looked desolate, and empty, waiting for a human to occupy it. I sat down at my comfortable desk chair, and pulled out my laptop and got to work.

For that entire day, I was engrossed in my work. I left my office twice the entire day; To use the bathroom, and to get lunch. It was important that I prepare this case. I had not looked at my phone all day, or made any personal emails. I knew I was in the zone. Niko Rodgers will be thrown into jail for the rest of his life, I know that much.

At the end of the day I checked my phone, and realized Jack, my "Boo" sent me a couple message. "Hey Babe, text me when you can." "Andrea please call." I knew it had to be serious because no one nowadays sends double text.

I called him back, but it sent me to voicemail. It didn't matter though I am sure Jack will call me soon.

Today was a good work day so I decided to head home, and cook Jack a meal. We go to court in two days, so I figured we could enjoy our special time together.

Jack's POV

Today sucks. The department is busy with petty crimes, and I still haven't reminded Andrea about having sex without the condom. I am not ready to be a dad. Hell to the no. Children are a blessing that I am not ready for.

I tried to text Andrea, but she did not answer her phone, and I am not trying to worry her on her first day back at work.

After work finished I looked at my phone and there was a missed called from Andrea, or should I say Bae. The way she put it down last night she can be Wifey. I got a few black friends that keep me up on my lingo.

I figured she was already back at the condo, so I went straight home.

As I opened the door it smelled like the best home cooked meal a man could ask for. Fried chicken, corn bread, mashed potatoes, green beans, and macaroni and cheese. I have no idea what I did to deserve this woman.

"Andrea, baby how was your day? Seems like you've been busy."

"Oh babe, my day was great, yet busy. I got caught up on the case, and we go to court soon. I figure we could celebrate by eating this home cooked meal, and then we could have desert."

"And what is for desert?"

There was a twinkle in her eye. She opened up the robe she was wearing. Behind the robe was a lacy bra, and thong underwear. Oh yeah I was going to get the goods tonight.

"Andrea speaking of sex." Here eyes got all big and concerned so I figure I better hurry up and say something. "IDON'TTHINKIWOREACONDOMLASTNIGHT." I said it so fast, that she looked at me with a dumb expression on her face. "I don't think I wore a condom last night."

"The hell is wrong with you. What do you mean you don't think you wore a condom? I am not on birth control."

"Lets run to Walgreens and go buy plan b. It is simple. Don't stress the small things Andrea."

Andrea was not happy. "Listen white chocolate, I have to consult my doctor before I take any new medicine that is not originally prescribed by my doctor. I have to be careful or else the other medications can negatively affect me. So now I have to call the doctor and risk them not being there." With that she pulled the chicken out the grease, and plated it for me to eat.

Once she sat my plate in front of me, she turned around and went to the room. I could tell that I was not getting laid tonight. ​

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2015 ⏰

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