Chapter 6

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Andrea's POV.

I finally fell asleep at about 2 am. The bed was phenomenal. I slept like a baby until my crazy phone started ringing. It was my sister Anna.

"Anna. What do want at 730 in the morning on a Saturday that cannot wait until later?"

She said, "I got your voicemail last night. I'm sorry that I didn't answer. But are you ok? Do you need me? I'm on my way right now if need be. Girl you know I love you girl!" (Her rendition of girl I love you")

My sister was nuts but I was tired. "Anna girl, I'm okay. Don't worry I am a live, and ok."

She said fine, "But where are you staying at? A hotel?"

My sister always knew when I was lying so I simply told the truth. Well most of the truth cause I knew she would go back and tell mom and dad everything like she used to when we were kids.

"Remember when I told you the part about a man saving me, and taking me over to his apartment. As creepy as it sounded he is really safe." The line went silent. I said, "hellllooooo" I dragged out the oos.

Anna said, "girl be careful. Just take care of yourself, and make sure your picture doesn't end up on the back of a milk carton."

I said, "Hahah that's not funny. Big sis don't worry girly. I can handle my own weight. But I gotta get to this bank and make a deposit. Tell mom and dad I love them!! Love you girl! Bye."

I hung up the phone and rolled out the bed. Today was Saturday and I had to catch the bank before they closed. I put the same clothes back on as I did from yesterday and I went in search for Jack.

I would have creeped out the house alone but I had no keys to the front door to get the rest of my stuff once I left. So I knocked on the bedroom door of Jack.

His bedroom door opened. And out came bare chested Jack. He wore nothing but boxers. I was not used to having a man around me. I almost fainted. All I really wanted to do was lay my head down on his chest.

But my common sense told me to stay focused. I said, "Jack I'm going to the bank to make deposits. And I'm going to find another place to stay. I left my cell phone number on the kitchen table." I let a few moments pass bye. I had to let the sleepy sexy Jack process the words that was coming out my mouth.

Jack said, "I'm coming with you right now. Don't worry I'm here to help you."

I said, " I don't want your help. I'm perfectly ok."

He said, "Too bad, I'm not going anywhere. Your stuck with me."

He shut his door, and I went back to my room. I put my coat and my scarf and my gloves on. The forecast predicted that it would be about 30 degrees outside.

I hate the cold weather. My immune system is terribly weak. I always get sick.

Finally Jack came out and we silently walked to the elevators.

Jacks POV

This time Andrea walked in front of me to the car. I had no problem watching her hips sway from left to right as she walked. She had a nice backside and couldn't hide it.

I can't believe she woke me up this early to make a deposit to the bank. She should not be carrying that much money on her in the first place.

I wish I could tell Andrea the truth about what was really going on. If she knew she was in protective custody she would flip out.

But it's my duty to protect her, and I made a promise to myself that no one will ever hurt her again. I almost blew the undercover police departments cover.

What Andrea didn't know was that her attempted rapist had been following her since the day before. He had be camping outside.

I was outside watching that pothead too. I was hiding in my car. He would have never gotten that close to her if she hadn't got on the train so quickly. I had to call the other agents, and the Chicago Transit Authority to track Andreas where abouts. She doesn't know how much danger she really is in.

Andreas attacker had one goal and that was to rape and to kill her.

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