Chp 2

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Now me being a black woman with long black hair, with a nice curvy body had me feel weak when I woke up in to a gorgeous white male who looked in his mid twenties.

It was the first time my eyes opened and I looked around to see where I was and I began to panic. With the stranger's big strong arms he bear hugged me so I wouldn't get any ideas of dodging for any open doors.

The man spoke to me. He said, "Hi I'm Jack, and I am only here to help you I promise." For some reason I believed him because at that moment it all rushed back to me and I started to cry.

Jack gently cleared my tears with tissues and he held me tight. I cried so much that in between exhaustion and sleep deprivation I fell asleep.

Two hours later I woke up with determination to get back to the safety net of my apartment away from this stranger Jack and away from the Navy Pier.

I did my best to sit up straight but sparks if pain flew at my abdomen. Ignoring the pain I got up and on my feet and observed my surroundings. I was in a beautiful room painted green over looking Lake Michigan. I knew wherever I was it was expensive and I did not belong there.

I opened the door to the room and peeked out. I grabbed my purse and quietly tiptoed to the entrance door, and I quietly opened it and I walked out. I ran like no other to the elevator pushing the down button to free myself. Once the elevator doors open I was about to enter until I seen the beautiful blond man.

He was pissed. The look on his face screamed anger. He shouted, "Where are you going. "

I said,"Home. I don't know you and I don't belong here. "

Instantly the blond grabbed me by the hand and led me back to the condo. Jack spoke, "Woman I saved your life and the best you could do is run away without thanking your rescuer?"

Confidentially I spoke,"I don't know where I am, and i'm scared." After a few seconds passed by I said, " I'm not sure if you noticed but I'm black so you might want to just let me go free.

Jacks POV

She was the most beautiful woman he'd ever regardless of her race shes gorgeous. The thought of her running away with me getting her name or any contact information scared the crap out of me. Chicago is huge and my chances of finding her again would be slim to none.

Quickly I began to ask her questions. "What's your name, and where are you from?"

She spoke slowly but clearly. "My name is Andrea and I'm from the Hyde park area."

Next questions. "How old are you, and what's your occupation?"

She said, "I'm 24 and I am a lawyer". My heart burst with joy, that this woman was not only a beauty but she also had the brains.

I looked at her hands and didn't see a wedding band on her finger so I assumed to she was single and ready to mingle with me. The thought of her mingling with other men made me very jealous.

Andreas POV

I kept thinking why is he staring at me with those deep blue eyes, and asking tons of personal questions.

I then asked him questions, "How old are you,what's your occupation, an where do you come from".

Hesitantly he said "I'm 26, I'm originally from South Carolina, and don't worry about my occupation."

His secrecy got my attention. All I wanted to do was roll back into the comforts of my own home, and relax.

Finally I told him,"I need to go home now".

He said, "Okay let me drive you home so I know you're safe".

The last thing I wanted was for a stranger to know where I lived. So I declined.

He said, "The only way I'm letting you out is if I take you in my car. So you can take it or leave it."

"Fine, lets go right now." And with that we were out of the luxurious apartment.

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