Chp 11

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Authors note!

Omg!! I am digging the love you guys are showing me!! Keep it up! I really need an editor lol. Message me.




Andrea'a POV

My goodness I stood in the middle of the door not wanting to quite close the door for safe measure. I stared at the three men and they stared back. One man stood up and looked me up and down, and I did they same. I could only think of one word to describe him... "Crusty."

The crusty man said, "Little Girl all these beds are full, and there ain't no free beds in here."

I looked to the left and then I looked to the right. I sarcastically was trying to figure out who he was talking to with that terrible attitude of his.

I knew it was about to go down! (In my Kevin Hart voice).

I may be little but I get respect. I am a educated lawyer. I put bad people in jail, because I have the power. No one will disrespect me. I said, "Look boy. I paid for one these beds. You wanna see my receipt?"

He cleared his throat and said, "Woman I said these bed's are all full, the only way you sleeping in one of these beds is if you're sleeping with one us." He looked at the other two men, and said, "I think we could all use a cuddle buddy, or a bedwarmer tonight."

I looked at this man like he lost his mind. I said, "I am no bed warmer and I for sure not a woman in the night." I started to back humbly out of the crowded room. I said, "Thanks for the opportunity, but no thanks."

Underneath my breath I called them "slime balls" but I didn't want to piss them off too bad.

I went back to the elevator and pressed the button for the lobby. Once I got to the first floor I walked towards the front desk. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed a man dressed in all black once again creepily leaning up against the wall. He smiled at me.

I became sick. We're the heck was the rest of his teeth? He looked like a rotten jack o' lantern. I dismissed him from mind and thought nothing of it. I knew I was a beautiful girl.

I walked to the front desk, and seen the same desk attendant from fifteen minutes ago. He smiled and said, "And what seems to be the problem?"

If looks could kill he would have died. I said, "Please find me another room."

He said, "Sorry mam, no can do. According to policy, once you are given a room you are stuck" with it. He smiled, and then he turned his back away from me and said, "Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite."

I could not believe he just dismissed me. I said, "These men threatened to rape me. Give me another room, before I sue you." I paused looking at his name tag, "Bernard."

He about lot his mind when he said, "What is wrong with you illiterate people. Can't you read my name is Bra-Nard. And go call your lawyer I don't care."

No way. "I don't care what you name is. Brian, Peter, Roger, Loser. Whatever. And you don't have to worry about hearing from my lawyer. Because you are hearing from me." I pulled out my portable attorneys license and flashed him. "I am Andrea Rain, attorney at law."

He turned red. He got on his computer and looked for another room. Fifteen seconds had passed and he said, "It seems that another family cancelled their reservation. Another room on the 11th flood just opened up."

We exchanged keys and then I walked back to the elevator with my suitcase. On the way over the creepy man followed me inside the elevator. I was fully alert. Once I got to the 11th floor I walked out, and the man in all black came out as well.

I walked less than five steps, when the creepy man pushed me into the wall. He thrust his groin upon my buttox, and smashed my head up against the wall. He whispered, "I got you now woman. You thought they were going to put me in jail for our first encounter? Well you're wrong. My boss employees a lot of the judges and police officers."

He licked my ear with his sticky hot breath and said, "I'm going to have fun with you tonight."

I screamed loud with all my might for about fifteen seconds hoping and praying someone would rescue me. I squirmed out of his grip banging on the walls, hoping that someone would notice the disruption.

The creepy thug took a blow to the side of my face, then to the center of my spine. I felt a sharp dagger on the right side of my back. Lastly he kicked my stomach with his steal toed boots. He yelled! "Shut up."

Where was Jack when I truly needed him? It was my fault I pushed him away.

I thought I was dying. I blacked out.

Jacks POV

Finally I got myself situated in this uncomfortable room. I really don't see how people lived together with random strangers. I don't care how much cheap the room rate is.

This room is terrible. I checked my cellphone for any messages from Andrea. I missed her. I can't believe I'm falling for her so fast.

I turned of the lights then I laid on one of the beds to take a quick snooze. It wasn't that late in the day around noon. I still felt miserable.

Twenty minutes I hear a bug thud up against my wall. My head popped up so fast that I forgot I was sleeping on the bottom bunk of the bunk bed. I hit my my head.

I had to shake off the pain because I need to see what the sound was. Oh my goodness I heard another boom, and the a large scream. And then silence.

I grabbed my gun and bursted out of the room. There she was, my girl laying on the floor helplessly, while this man his touching her in places only her lover should. I took my gun and I yelled, "Put you hands up in the air where I can see them."

He grabbed Andrea's lifeless body, and held a knife to her throat. He said, "I'll kill her, I swear to you I will."

I aimed the gun at him. I wanted to kill, but honestly I wanted him to suffer so aimed the gun lower towards the kneecap and pull my trigger.

The man and Andrea fell into the ground. He screamed terribly loud, yet no one opened the door to see what was going on. I pulled out my handcuffs and arrest the man, and then I called for backup.

I stared at my sweet angel and noticed the damage done to her sweet pretty face. I put my hand to her back in order to sit her up.

When I put my hand back there I felt something thick and wet on my fingers. I pulled my hand and noticed that it was blood.

I got on the phone and called my boss and said, "Tell my back up to hurry. I need ambulance. Andrea has been stabbed and she has lost some blood. We must save her life."

With that I picked Andrea up off the ground and carried her to one of the beds in my room. In the process I kicked that man so hard in his private part his whole body went numb.

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