Chapter 3

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As we entered the elevator headed down to the car garage I began to panic. My momma told me to never get into cars with strangers but here I am about to enter into this mans car. I felt hopeless.

Once we got to the car garage silently Jack opened the passenger side door of a brand new all blacked out BMW. The car was as sexy as its owner. I showed absolutely no emotions.

His deep rich voice spoke and said, "Can you give me your address?"

I thought for a second and realized that there was no way that I was going to tell him my address so I told him the location of the closest intersection to my house.

He put the address to my intersection into his GPS and we took off to Hyde Park. I looked at the clock and realized it was fifteen minutes passed 7 pm. My whole day off was spent horrible.

Attempting to make small talk Jack said, "You seem like a very nice woman, and I am grateful that it was me who was there to save you."

I replied, "I too am happy that you were there but I could have handled it myself."

Jack chuckled and said, "woman that man had you pinned down, you had no true options but to surrender."

I said, "Well it was by God's grace and mercy that I made it. "

After that we set in silence for the rest of the trip.

25 minutes passed by and we rolled into my neighborhood. His GPS said, "Your destination is on your left." Jack looked to the left and then to the right all he saw was restaurants, and the bus station.

I seen a flicker of anger cross his face. He said, "Woman please don't play games with me. Tell me where you live. Right now".

I got scared so I started to stuttered my directions. I said,"Ke ke keep going until the next stop sign and make a right. My apartment building is blue."

He followed my directions and we made it there. Luckily he found a free parking spot on the street right in front of my building, I've seen people wait hours for a decent parking space. I was about to open the passenger side door when he yelled, "Please wait."

I obeyed and he got out of the nice black car and opened my door for me. I climbed out and I walked a few paces towards my apartment when I realized he was following me.

I said, "Jack it isn't necessary that you follow me to my door I am perfectly ok."

Jack didn't reply he just kept following me until I unlocked the main apartment door and I walked in.

Jack walked into the building. I was about to get an attitude with him but he beat me to it. He said "Listen Andrea I will take you to your front door of your specific apartment door. I don't care if you like it or not."

Nervously I walked to apartment 8. Which was my private domain reserved just for me. I pushed my key into the door and turned the locked. Finally I pushed my door open.

When I came into my apartment my heart broke into pieces. Everything in the room was broken or stolen. I fell to the ground and I cried like a baby.

Everything I worked hard for was either destroyed or gone. Who ever came into my apartment had a purpose of scaring me because thief left a clear and direct message with the spray paint that covered my walls.

It said, "Woman we are watching your every move. You are in court, battling the wrong people. If you know what's good for yourself you will drop all the charges."

Jack picked me up in his arms and he held me tight.

My body quickly responded to Jack's body. I closed my eyes and thought to myself how good it felt to be back in the hand a beautiful man. Until my eyes popped opened and realized I was in serious danger.

I made Jack put me down and I ran to my bed room to check if my emergency money and jewelry was safe and sound. I ran to my closest and removed all my shoes out of closet. I pulled up the removable piece of carpet from the bottom of floor.

And there it was, 15,00 dollars worth of money and jewelry. I yelled to Jesus and told him thank you for keeping my money safe. I promised Jesus that would give my tithes and offering to my church this Sunday, like I do every Sunday.

Jack was still standing behind me he said, "I have no reason to steal your money so fear not."

All I knew was that I needed to get to the bank quick.

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