Chapter 20

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Andrea's POV

Four days had passed since I had came back to my parents home. And I have to say I miss my city life and the independence that I once knew. With my mom being retired I began to feel suffocated.

She loved the fact that her baby was home. I loved hanging out with my mommy but I needed my own space. Honestly I hate to say it but I really miss Jack.

I don't know why but I just miss him. He treated me like no man has ever. The crazy thing is that when I departed from the hospital it was the worst way someone could ever say goodbye.

He didn't come to the hospital to say goodbye. But he didn't come only because I screamed at him. I wanted him to know the pain that I felt.

He broke some of my trust. At that moment I didn't care that he was doing his job in trying to protect me. I just wanted his honesty.

I need to figure out how to get back to Chicago and finish the case and get Jack back. I know that he wants me. He text and call me every single day.

It's a nice feeling to feel wanted and to feel loved. This man has began to steal my heart. When he's not present in my life I don't feel complete. He makes me feel whole. I have never felt like this way for no man before.

My problem is that I am afraid of love. I'm afraid of commitment, but what I am mostly afraid of is if one day Jack one day realizes that he doesn't want me anymore.

When I fall in love. I fall completely. At the point of no return. I'm with you 100 percent. I'm you're right hand man. Like I can't explain it. I have to show it.

I'm afraid to fall in love with Jackson. To fall in love like that will give someone so much power over me. I know for sure that I need to pray to God about this issue.

But. I cannot be afraid to live. I know that I am now ready to face the City of Chicago. But also to face Jack. I'm ready for it.

Jacks POV

There is absolutely nothing that I can do to persuade this Andrea to come back to Chicago. Not only do we need on the case. But I need her.

My feeling go hard for this one. She is all that I want in a woman. I want to fight for her but I don't know how. I thought she wanted me but after I told her who I really was she kicked me out of her sight.

I know when I am not wanted but I feel like she needs some space. Well I have not seen her in about a week and a half and I just need to see her face.

She text me on the daily but I need to see her in person. I want to admire her from afar. When she kicked me out of her hospital room I felt so hollow and dense. It was like she kept my heart when she pushed me away. No one has ever taken my heart like that. She took it.

She can have it. But I want hers in return. The worst feeling is to be in love with someone and for them to not be in love back. I don't know what to do.

Andrea's POV

The next morning I woke up it was a rainy April morning. I rolled outta bed with a lot of strength and energy. I got dressed and I began to pack my bags. I was ready to make it back to Chicago.

Once I finished packing I went to the kitchen to find my momma preparing for breakfast. It was Saturday so mom always cooks for dad on Saturdays.

I said, "I am ready to go back to Chicago. It's my time to head back." My parents looked shocked. They didn't say anything for a few moments.

My dad said, " How are you going to go back and you have no transportation right now." He looked very concerned. Well I guess he wasn't planning on coming go to Chicago anytime soon.

But I stood strong. "Mom and dad, ill take the train back home and ill find a hotel to stay at until my apartment is safe and cleaned up. I am catching the next train to Chicago so please help me carry my bags to the car please."

My parents I'm sure was surprised at how bold I became. I am always bold in the courtroom but never towards my parents. But they walked toward my room and helped me load my stuff in the car.

I was Chicago bound. There's nothing that will be able to get in my way today.

Finally my parents dropped me off at the train station. They prayed for me and gave me kisses and then they left. I said bye and then I went to buy my first class train ticket to Chicago.

Here I go again world. I'm heading back into the loop.

Authors note.. We're almost done y'all hang in there.

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