Chapter 5

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We went to a nearby café to talk. I mean it had been a while for me since I meet her. After ordering some coffee luckily it wasn’t awkward or anything like that. I said

Luna - “I’m so happy to meet you. It’s been a while. What have you been up to?”

Lucy - “You know, the usual. Anyways, enough about me. What about you? How is work for you?”

Luna - “Nothing much, same old story. Oh, I don’t think I told you but, I got engaged!”

Lucy - “Oh my goodness. Congratulations!! I’m thrilled for you. So is it someone you love?

Luna- “Well I’m not sure about that. I do like him but I know nothing much about him. It was my parent’s decision so I had no choice but to agree. It wasn’t a force one just that they insisted a lot”

Lucy- “I understand. But what about your dreams that you have and the most important question is are you willing to marry because it’s not just competing to that person you know it’s about taking of that person and so much more. Marriage is no joke and games”

Luna- “I know….Lucy but what can I do they seriously want me to get married. It was difficult to tell them that I wanted to finish my studies and luckily I found a job that I hope I will be doing after marriage”

Lucy- “I do get you Luna I really do. My parents used to joke about this sort of thing to you know. But everyone has a right to say yes or no. What scares me the most for you is you’re not sure what kind of man is he?”

Luna- “I know you are but thank you for your concern love. I will try my best to be patient with this .He seems like a good guy I have meet him once or twice. But I’m not going to let him boss me around like that if he does so. I remember the quotes you used to write all sorts of topics. The beauty of them and the women rights one that you wrote was lovely it gives one strength”

Lucy- “Oh my you still remember those I haven’t stopped writing though. Time to time I do write down what I fell cause it sometimes just gives a clearer view of what I am feeling. But I’m glad to hear that they give you strength means a lot to me”

Luna- “That’s great really it is. What else have you been up to?”

Lucy- “Really nothing much life is just going. Some days are good while some aren’t the best but what can we do but manage them right?”

Luna- “I agree on that totally. In the end you have to just get through the day or try something to help you. It’s the little things that count.”

Lucy- “I wanted to ask you when your wedding day then is.”

Luna- “Oh…that is about a year from now. Because the family thinks I will ready by that time and the boy’s family is aboard so that’s why and I’m sure many other reasons that me knowing them isn’t gonna change anything”

Lucy- “I wish you all the best with it. I’m just going to tell you to do what your heart urges you do for anything. That’s what I have learnt.”

Luna- “That’s really true though. But now when I do think about it I think it’s about time I do get married because I don’t think its something I could escape from. And maybe it’s not all bad. Hopefully my story is one of a fairy-tale. You never know”

Lucy- “As long as your happy Luna that’s all I need. Just keep smiling ad radiating that energy like you always have. It makes someone day really”

Luna- “I wish the same for you Lucy. I want to see you smile more. It was really lovely talking to you today. But I’m afraid I have to go. Do keep in touch with me please.”

Lucy- “Suree I will. I will message you time to time”

We bid our goodbyes to each other and I have to admit I did feel a little upset that she left. It had been a while since I meet any of my old friends. They never really bothered to care. I would message them and they would either leave me on read or just really to my how are you? Great conversation I must say.

I get hurt by that because I’m ready to make time and love for you. But can’t do the same means it pains me of course. However I can’t say anything when I do it will only change for a little while and then back to the usual.

Though I was taken a little aback by what Luna said. Marriage at her age where she can be doing other things. A lot of people take women as salves. When they go and search a spouse for their son. They often forget that she is human and also is a daughter of 2 other parents. The requirements for women are also just crazy. They want a women who is well educated but the she isn’t allowed to a job most of the time. Cause she needs to clean the house and give birth to children.

That’s the concept that some countries have and I dislike it a lot. Women can do something with their voice if they are given a chance. There is more to life than just marriage. But some parents even go the extent of getting there kid to drop out of school just cause that found her a good match. She is forced to that why? Because she is a girl and her job in this world is non-other than to get married.

It just makes my blood boil each time I hear or see something lime this. My cousins are also getting married as they are done with university or heck even if they haven’t finished there studies all the way through.

I just sighed at all these thoughts and walked home and received a call from dad. I was confused because I just got a call from him not too long ago.
What he said next left me utterly speechless.

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