Chapter 13

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This type of warmth was something I hadn’t felt in a very long time and it was as if all of my anxiety had vanished from my body. That feeling would be one I wouldn’t be able to describe because it was that beautiful. I felt safe and secure as if no one could hurt me. These girls hardly knew me but their gestures made my heart melt and my eyes water.

Luna: “Oh my poor child, why are you crying?!”

?: “Yeah girl is everything alright did you hurt yourself??”

?: “I’ll get her water hold up.”

?: “Here sweetie sit up, calm down, and breathe. Everything will be alright.”

The fact that I was a stranger to them and yet they aren’t treating me out of their group. They treated me as someone that had been with them for years. They were so sweet and welcoming towards me. I couldn’t help but cry a bit more. I felt so terrible because they must have been panicked by all of that. They were probably wondering, “Why is she crying? What’s wrong with her?”

?: “Here drink some water, it helps.”

Luna: “Feel a little better?”

Lucy: “Yeah…I do. Thank you…..and I’m sorry everyone I must have looked like a cry baby or something. Actually, I was just so touched that you guys were so kind, sweet, and welcoming towards me. Even though it was just a hug it was all I needed.”

Aurora: “It’s okay girl. I mean yeah we were shocked surely but thank you for saying all those things about us. Oh, by the way, my name is Aurora’”

Flora: “I couldn’t agree more with Aurora. She’s right. My name is Flora. Nice to finally meet you, Lucy.”

Scarlet: “Hi my name is Scarlet. A pleasure to meet you. Luna has been talking about you a lot to us.”

Raven: “Hi my name is Raven. Finally, we meet Lucy.”

Lucy: “Hello everyone. It really is a pleasure meeting all of you. I have to admit, I was really nervous to meet everyone.”

Flora: “Oh that’s okay. I mean if I was in your position, I would be too. When I met these dorks the first time it was like that for me as well.”

Lucy: “Ohhh I see.”

Luna: “Now that all of you are here we can finally eat. I ordered us all pizza so come.”

While everyone was eating pizza and chatting with each other, I was just eating and nodding my head to everything because I didn’t want to seem rude. They would ask me stuff and include me in, but I didn’t speak on my own. I felt like I was in a dream or something. They seemed like angels sent from heaven.

Aurora: “You’ve been quiet Lucy, everything okay?”

Luna: “I mean, we’ve been speaking the whole time and hardly let her talk so of course everything ain’t okay. Sorry about that Lucy.”

Lucy: “Oh no, Luna it’s okay. I was just listening to it all. You guys were saying?”

Flora: “So, we wanted to get to know you as much as we know Luna. So, do tell us a little about yourself.”

Lucy: “Well for one, the reason I was also nervous was that I don’t really meet with people anymore…after being broken because of people who have entered in my life. I just don’t like to do that anymore. Sure, being lonely isn’t a solution but at least I wouldn’t get hurt anymore because of people and their actions. Believe it or not, I used to be a social butterfly.”

Raven: “I can understand where you’re coming from. Let me share a little something with you. I was heartbroken by my best friend. I gave her my all. There would be countless times I would tell her that I love her and she did the same for me. The only problem was, she wasn’t a good person. She controlled and used me. And during that phase, I didn’t know about it. The one time I remember her friends messaged me when she and I had a fight. You know, to help us. But instead, later on, I found out that my number had been blocked by her friends. I found that weird and so I asked my friend what was going on. Because they said “oh you know let’s be friends together” but found out that they just used me for information about our fight and told my current friend everything about how I felt. So basically, they made a deal together that after they would get the information, they would block me. Even though my friends warned me about her. But I was blinded and I never cut ties with anyone. Yet she was the one I just had to cut ties with. It was a toxic type of relationship.”

Scarlet: “Similarly for me. I had a friend who just used me for everything. If she didn’t do her homework back in the day she would ask me for it. Anything she needed, she would ask me for it. And when I would ask for us to spend time together or why she wouldn’t message me, she would say that she was too busy with her other friends. I didn’t want to break up with her. Because I did care and love her as a friend, but I had no choice because I would cry about it day and night. I always thought, “What did I not have that the others did? Why wouldn’t she want to spend time with me?”

Lucy: “Where your heart just breaks into a million pieces and ache each time you would think about them. As much as you want to forget them, when you come back to your phone and open your social media apps only to see that they didn’t give a damn about you-- Oh I’m so sorry I shouldn’t have-”

Flora: “Wow, if that description isn’t the most perfect one, I don’t know what is. Girl why you apologizing? It’s such a good way to put it.”

Scarlet: “I know, right? Lucy you good at this girl. I’m impressed.”

Lucy: “Oh, thank you very much.”

Flora: “Like how your own expectations can also cause you heartbreak. I mean, then it is your fault for keeping them, but still. For me, one really close friend of mine, she was my childhood friend. She and I were like sisters. Everything of ours was the same like we were like twins. Our tastes, preferences, and the way we would talk. The only problem was, she wouldn’t do the same things as me. In the sense, I would message her like crazy throughout the day, ask her how she was doing. She just wouldn’t do the same, after I told her about it, she did change, and surely, she did. But I just saw that in her life, I just didn’t mean much to her. And so, I had no choice but to live with that. Except, I just don’t put her as my 1st priority like I used to. Because now I have people in my life who care and love me.”

Aurora: “Well for me, it’s almost the same thing but to not repeat the scenario because it might be boring. But in short, my best friend whom I cherished and thought she did too. I got blocked from her for a whole 3 months because her studies weren’t going so well because of me. I mean, just imagine, your best friend blocking you because her parents said that her studies aren’t going well. I didn’t mind that, but what I did mind was that she never told me why she had blocked me in the first place. For months, I had to just live with that and my broken heart too.”

Luna: “And you all know about me and my story. So I don’t think I have to go through it again…..”

Lucy: “I feel terrible…for all of you. Such sweet people like you all had to go through something like this in your life…”

Luna: “We’ve all been through our fair shares of sadness in our life and that’s why all of us share these things on a deeper level. We know and understand what hurts each other. So we try our best to treat each other like we the way we would want to be treated. The scenes you would see in movies, we made it a reality that friends can really be like that. All of us have similar experiences and are also expressive towards each other. We don’t mind that and love how we are with each other.”

Lucy: “You’re right about that Luna, and as much as I would love to tell you all my story I’m just too afraid to and-“

Aurora: “Listen here, sister. We told you all that at our own will and I’m sure later in the future when you’re comfortable enough to tell us, we will be there to listen. Just because we told our stories, doesn’t mean you have to as well.”

Flora: “Yeah, exactly. After overcoming these hardships, it wasn’t easy for us to say these things in the past.”

Scarlet: “So slowly, we heal and will help you as much as we can, Lucy. We just want to remind you that in this world, cruel people surely exist, but there are good things to it. We see ourselves in you because we’ve been through it as well.”

Raven: “So take your time with it and Luna told us that you’re sensitive about your past. That’s why we thought that by sharing our pain, it might help yours.”

I was speechless. These girls went through what I had. Only, it was different but it shared the same base. We all have been betrayed, pained, and hurt by someone who we treasured in our lives. And other than Luna, I haven’t met people in my life who went through something like that. I couldn’t hold my emotions, they were all over the place. Sitting there I just cried and hugged Aurora since she was the person closest to me. I cried so much that all that pain I’ve been carrying was somehow curing me somehow. Would things finally change from here on out?

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